


Widgets (aka cards, aka charts, aka graphs) provide a simple way to insert blade files into admin panel pages. You can use them to insert cards, charts, notices or custom content into pages.


In order to use the Widget class, you should make sure your main views (for new admin panel pages) extend the backpack::blank or backpack_view('blank') blade template. This template includes two sections where you can push widgets:

  • before_content
  • after_content

How to Use

You can easily push widgets to these sections, by using the autoloaded Widget class. You can think of the Widget class as a global container for widgets, for the current page being rendered. That means you can call the Widget container inside a Controller, inside a view, or inside a service provider you create - wherever you want.

use Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\Widget;


// alternatively, use a fluent syntax to define each widget attribute

Mandatory Attributes

When passing a widget array, you need to specify at least these attributes:

   'type' => 'card' // the kind of widget to show
   'content' => null // the content of that widget (some are string, some are array)

Optional Attributes

Most widget types also have these attributes present, which you can use to tweak how the widget looks inside the page:

'wrapper' => [
    'class' => 'col-sm-6 col-md-4', // customize the class on the parent element (wrapper)
    'style' => 'border-radius: 10px;',

Widgets API

To manipulate widgets, you can use the methods below. The action will be performed on the page being constructed for the current request. And the Widget class is a global container, so you can add widgets to it both from the Controller, and from the view.

// to add a widget to a different section than the default 'before_content' section:

// to create a widget, WITHOUT adding it to a section

// to define the contents of a widget, pass the definition array to the make()/add() methods
// alternatively, define each widget attribute one by one, using a fluent syntax

// to reference a widget later on, give it a unique 'name'

// you can then easily modify it
Widget::name('my_widget')->content('some other content'); // change the 'content' attribute
Widget::name('my_widget')->forget('attribute_name'); // unset a widget attribute
Widget::name('my_widget')->makeFirst(); // make a widget the first one in its section
Widget::name('my_widget')->makeLast(); // to make a widget the last one in its section
Widget::name('my_widget')->remove(); // remove the widget from its section

Default Widget Types


Shows a notification bubble, with the heading and text you specify:

    'type'         => 'alert',
    'class'        => 'alert alert-danger mb-2',
    'heading'      => 'Important information!',
    'content'      => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti nulla quas distinctio veritatis provident mollitia error fuga quis repellat, modi minima corporis similique, quaerat minus rerum dolorem asperiores, odit magnam.',
    'close_button' => true, // show close button or not

For different colors, you can use the following classes: alert-success, alert-warning, alert-info, alert-danger alert-primary, alert-secondary, alert-light, alert-dark.

Widget Preview:

Backpack alert widget


Shows a Bootstrap card, with the heading and body you specify. You can customize the class name to get cards of different color, size, etc.

    'type'       => 'card',
    // 'wrapper' => ['class' => 'col-sm-6 col-md-4'], // optional
    // 'class'   => 'card bg-dark text-white', // optional
    'content'    => [
        'header' => 'Some card title', // optional
        'body'   => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non mi nec orci euismod venenatis. Integer quis sapien et diam facilisis facilisis ultricies quis justo. Phasellus sem <b>turpis</b>, ornare quis aliquet ut, volutpat et lectus. Aliquam a egestas elit. <i>Nulla posuere</i>, sem et porttitor mollis, massa nibh sagittis nibh, id porttitor nibh turpis sed arcu.',

For different background colors, you can use the following classes: bg-success, bg-warning, bg-info, bg-danger bg-primary, bg-secondary, bg-light, bg-dark.

Other useful helper classes: text-center, text-white.

Widget Preview:

Backpack card widget

Chart PRO

Shows a pie chart / line chart / bar chart inside a Bootstrap card, with the heading and body you specify.

Backpack chart widgets

To create and use a new widget chart, you need to:

Step 1. Install laravel-charts, that offers a single PHP syntax for 6 different charting libraries:

composer require consoletvs/charts:"6.*"

Step 2. Create a new ChartController:

php artisan backpack:chart WeeklyUsers

This will create:

  • a new ChartController inside app\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\WeeklyUsersChartController
  • a route towards that ChartController in your routes/backpack/custom.php

Step 3. Add the widget that points to that ChartController you just created:

    'type'       => 'chart',
    'controller' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\WeeklyUsersChartController::class,


    // 'class'   => 'card mb-2',
    // 'wrapper' => ['class'=> 'col-md-6'] ,
    // 'content' => [
         // 'header' => 'New Users',
         // 'body'   => 'This chart should make it obvious how many new users have signed up in the past 7 days.<br><br>',
    // ],

Step 4. Configure the ChartController you just created:

  • public function setup() (MANDATORY)
    • initialize and configure $this->chart, using the methods detailed in the laravel-charts documentation;
    • you can define your dataset here, if you want your DB queries to be called upon page load;
  • public function data() (OPTIONAL, but recommended)
    • use $this->chart->dataset() to configure what the chart should contain;
    • if it's defined, the chart will loads its contents using AJAX;


  • you can easily switch the JavaScript library used, by changing the use statement at the top of this file:
-use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Chartjs\Chart;
+use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Echarts\Chart;
+use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Fusioncharts\Chart;
+use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Highcharts\Chart;
+use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\C3\Chart;
+use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Frappe\Chart;
  • you can change the path to the JS library; if you don't want it loaded from a CDN, you can define $library or getLibraryFilePath() on your ChartController:
protected $library = 'http://path/to/file';

// or

public function getLibraryFilePath()
    return asset('path/to/your/js/file');

    // or

    return [

That's it! Refresh the page to see your new chart widget. Below, you'll find a few examples of how the ChartController can end up looking.

Example 1: ChartController that loads results using AJAX:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts;

use App\User;
use Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\ChartController;
use Backpack\NewsCRUD\app\Models\Article;
use Backpack\NewsCRUD\app\Models\Category;
use Backpack\NewsCRUD\app\Models\Tag;
use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Chartjs\Chart;

class NewEntriesChartController extends ChartController
    public function setup()
        $this->chart = new Chart();

        // MANDATORY. Set the labels for the dataset points
        $labels = [];
        for ($days_backwards = 30; $days_backwards >= 0; $days_backwards--) {
            if ($days_backwards == 1) {
            $labels[] = $days_backwards.' days ago';

        // RECOMMENDED.
        // Set URL that the ChartJS library should call, to get its data using AJAX.

        // OPTIONAL.

     * Respond to AJAX calls with all the chart data points.
     * @return json
    public function data()
        for ($days_backwards = 30; $days_backwards >= 0; $days_backwards--) {
            // Could also be an array_push if using an array rather than a collection.
            $users[] = User::whereDate('created_at', today()
            $articles[] = Article::whereDate('created_at', today()
            $categories[] = Category::whereDate('created_at', today()
            $tags[] = Tag::whereDate('created_at', today()

        $this->chart->dataset('Users', 'line', $users)
            ->color('rgb(77, 189, 116)')
            ->backgroundColor('rgba(77, 189, 116, 0.4)');

        $this->chart->dataset('Articles', 'line', $articles)
            ->color('rgb(96, 92, 168)')
            ->backgroundColor('rgba(96, 92, 168, 0.4)');

        $this->chart->dataset('Categories', 'line', $categories)
            ->color('rgb(255, 193, 7)')
            ->backgroundColor('rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.4)');

        $this->chart->dataset('Tags', 'line', $tags)
            ->color('rgba(70, 127, 208, 1)')
            ->backgroundColor('rgba(70, 127, 208, 0.4)');

Example 2. Pie chart with both labels and dataset defined in the setup() method (no AJAX):


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\Pies;

use Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\ChartController;
use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Chartjs\Chart;

class ChartjsPieController extends ChartController
    public function setup()
        $this->chart = new Chart();

        $this->chart->dataset('Red', 'pie', [10, 20, 80, 30])
                        'rgb(70, 127, 208)',
                        'rgb(77, 189, 116)',
                        'rgb(96, 92, 168)',
                        'rgb(255, 193, 7)',

        // OPTIONAL

        // MANDATORY. Set the labels for the dataset points
        $this->chart->labels(['HTML', 'CSS', 'PHP', 'JS']);


Allows you to include multiple widgets within a "div" element with the attributes of your choice. For example, you can include multiple widgets within a <div class="row"></div> with the code below:

    'type'    => 'div',
    'class'   => 'row',
    'content' => [ // widgets
        [ 'type' => 'card', 'content' => ['body' => 'One'] ],
        [ 'type' => 'card', 'content' => ['body' => 'Two'] ],
        [ 'type' => 'card', 'content' => ['body' => 'Three'] ],

Anything you specify on this widget, other than type and content, has to be a string, and will be considered an attribute of the "div" element. For example, in the following snippet, class and custom-attribute are attributes of the "div" element:

    'type'    => 'div',
    'class'   => 'row my-custom-widget-class',
    'custom-attribute'   => 'my-custom-value',
    'content' => [ // widgets
        [ 'type' => 'card', 'content' => ['body' => 'One'] ],
        [ 'type' => 'card', 'content' => ['body' => 'Two'] ],
        [ 'type' => 'card', 'content' => ['body' => 'Three'] ],

and the generated output will be:

    <div custom-attribute="my-custom-value" class="row my-custom-widget-class">
        // The HTML code of the three card widgets will be here


Shows a Bootstrap jumbotron component, with the heading and body you specify.

    'type'        => 'jumbotron',
    'heading'     => 'Welcome!',
    'content'     => 'My magnific headline! Lets build something awesome together.',
    'button_link' => backpack_url('logout'),
    'button_text' => 'Logout',
    // OPTIONAL:
    'heading_class' => 'display-3 text-white',
    'content_class' => 'text-white',

Widget Preview:

Backpack card widget


Add a Livewire component to a page. If you haven't created your component yet, head to Livewire documentation and create the component you want to use.

Note Livewire v2: Livewire v2 does not automatically inject the @livewireScripts and @livewireStyles tags. If you are NOT using Livewire outside of this widget you can load them here by setting livewireAssets => true

    'type'        => 'livewire',
    'content'   => 'my-livewire-component', // the component name
    'parameters'      => ['user' => backpack_user(), 'param2' => 'value2'], // optional: pass parameters to the component
    'livewireAssets' => false, // optional: set true to load livewire assets in the widget

Note: The parameters attribute will be passed to the component on initialization, and should be present in the mount($user, $param2).

HelloWord Example:
use Livewire\Component;

class HelloWorld extends Component
    public $name;

    public function mount(string $name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.hello-world');
<!-- livewire/hello-world.blade.php -->
    Hello {{ $name }}
// add the widget to the page
Widget::add()->type('livewire')->content('hello-world')->parameters(['name' => 'John Doe'])->wrapperClass('col-md-12 text-center');

Widget Preview:

Backpack Livewire Widget


Shows a colorful card to signify the progress towards a goal. You can customize the class name to get cards of different color, size, etc.

    'type'        => 'progress',
    'class'       => 'card text-white bg-primary mb-2',
    'value'       => '11.456',
    'description' => 'Registered users.',
    'progress'    => 57, // integer
    'hint'        => '8544 more until next milestone.',

For different background colors, you can use the following classes: bg-success, bg-warning, bg-info, bg-danger bg-primary, bg-secondary, bg-light, bg-dark.

Other useful helper classes: text-center, text-white.

Widget Preview:

Backpack card widget

Progress White

Shows a white card to signify the progress towards a goal. You can customize the class name to get progress bars of different color.

    'type'          => 'progress_white',
    'class'         => 'card mb-2',
    'value'         => '11.456',
    'description'   => 'Registered users.',
    'progress'      => 57, // integer
    'progressClass' => 'progress-bar bg-primary',
    'hint'          => '8544 more until next milestone.',

For different progress bar colors, you can use the following classes: bg-success, bg-warning, bg-info, bg-danger bg-primary, bg-secondary, bg-light, bg-dark.

Widget Preview:

Backpack card widget


Loads a JavaScript file from a location you specify using a <script> element.

    'type'     => 'script',
    'content'  => 'assets/js/custom-script.js',
    // optional
    // 'stack'    => 'before_scripts', // default is after_scripts

You can also specify a link (https://path-to-file.com/file.js) as the content, and it will load the file from a CDN. In that case you might also want to add additional attributes, which you can easily do, for example:



Loads a CSS file from a location you specify using a <link> element.

    'type'     => 'style',
    'content'  => 'assets/css/custom-script.css',
    // optional
    // 'stack'    => 'before_styles', // default is after_styles

You can also specify a link (https://path-to-file.com/file.css) as the content, and it will load the file from a CDN. In that case you might also want to add additional attributes, which you can easily do, for example:

     ->content('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@shoelace-style/[email protected]/dist/themes/light.css')


Loads a blade view from a location you specify. Any attributes you give it will be available in the $widget variable inside that view.

    'type'     => 'view',
    'view'     => 'path.to.custom.view',
    'someAttr' => 'some value',

It helps load blade files that are not specifically created to be widgets, that live in a different path than resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/widgets, as if they were widgets.

Overriding Default Widget Types

You can override a widget type by placing a file with the same name in your resources\views\vendor\backpack\ui\widgets directory. When a file is there, Backpack will pick that one up, instead of the one in the package. You can do that from command line using php artisan backpack:widget --from=widget-name


  • creating a resources\views\vendor\backpack\ui\widgets\card.blade.php file would overwrite the card widget functionality;
  • php artisan backpack:widget --from=card will take the view from the package and copy it to the directory above, so you can edit it;

Keep in mind that when you're overwriting a default widget type, you're forfeiting any future updates for that widget. We can't push updates to a file that you're no longer using.

Creating a Custom Widget Type

Widgets consist of only one file - a blade file with the same name as the widget type (ex: card.blade.php). You can create one by placing a new blade file inside resources\views\vendor\backpack\ui\widgets. Be careful to choose a distinctive name, otherwise you might be overwriting a default widget type (see above).

For example, you can create a well.blade.php:

@includeWhen(!empty($widget['wrapper']), 'backpack::widgets.inc.wrapper_start')
    <div class="{{ $widget['class'] ?? 'well mb-2' }}">
        {!! $widget['content'] !!}
@includeWhen(!empty($widget['wrapper']), 'backpack::widgets.inc.wrapper_end')

You can then use the well widget in a Controller or View:


        'type'    => 'well',
        'wrapper' => ['class' => 'col-sm-12'],
        'content' => 'This text will be in a div with the class "<i>well</i>".',


To use information from the database, you can:

  • use the full namespace for your models, like \App\Models\Product::count();
  • load all your dashboard information using AJAX calls, if you're loading charts, reports, etc, and the DB queries might take a long time;
  • use view composers to push variables inside this view when it's loaded, Like. View::composer('backpack::widgets.well, 'App\Http\View\Composers\WellComposer');

Inside the widget blade files, you include custom CSS and JS, by pushing to the stacks in the layout:

@includeWhen(!empty($widget['wrapper']), 'backpack::widgets.inc.wrapper_start')
    <div class="{{ $widget['class'] ?? 'well mb-2' }}">
        {!! $widget['content'] !!}
@includeWhen(!empty($widget['wrapper']), 'backpack::widgets.inc.wrapper_end')

    <link href="{{ asset('packages/select2/dist/css/select2.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        .some_class {
            color: red;

    <script src="{{ asset('packages/select2/dist/js/select2.min.js') }}"></script>
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            // trigger select2 for each untriggered select2 box
            $('.select2_field').each(function (i, obj) {
                if (!$(obj).hasClass("select2-hidden-accessible"))
                        theme: "bootstrap"

Using a Widget Type from a Package

You can choose the view namespace when loading a widget:

// using the fluent syntax, use the 'from' alias

// using the widget definition array, specify its 'viewNamespace'
    'type'          => 'card',
    'viewNamespace' => 'package::widgets',
    'wrapper'       => ['class' => 'col-sm-6 col-md-4'],
    'class'         => 'card text-white bg-primary text-center',
    'content'       => [
        // 'header' => 'Another card title',
        'body'      => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non mi nec orci euismod venenatis. Integer quis sapien et diam facilisis facilisis ultricies quis justo. Phasellus sem <b>turpis</b>, ornare quis aliquet ut, volutpat et lectus. Aliquam a egestas elit.',

Similarly, if you want to create widgets somewhere else than in resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/widgets, you can pass that directory as the namespace of your widget. For example, resources/views/admin/widgets would have admin.widgets as the namespace.

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