
Upgrade Guide

This will guide you to upgrade from Backpack v5 to v6. The steps are color-coded by the probability that you will need it for your application: High, Medium and Low. At the very least, please read what's in bold.


Please make sure your project respects the requirements below, before you start the upgrade process. You can check with php artisan backpack:version:

  • PHP 8.1+
  • Laravel 10.x
  • Backpack\CRUD 5.x
  • 15-30 minutes (for most projects)

If you're running Backpack version 3.x-5.x, please follow ALL other upgrade guides first, to incrementally get to use Backpack v6. Test that your app works well with each version, after each upgrade. Only afterwards can you follow this guide, to upgrade from v5 to v6. Previous upgrade guides:

Upgrade Steps

Step 0. Upgrade to Laravel 10 if you don't use it yet, then test to confirm your app is working fine.


Step 1. Update your composer.json file to require:

        "backpack/crud": "^6.0",

Step 2. Bump the version of any first-party Backpack add-ons you have installed (eg. backpack/pro, backpack/editable-columns etc.) to the versions that support Backpack v6. For 3rd-party add-ons, please check each add-on's Github page. Here's a quick list of 1st party packages and versions:

        "backpack/crud": "^6.0",
        "backpack/pro": "^2.0",
        "backpack/filemanager": "^3.0",
        "backpack/theme-coreuiv2": "^1.0",
        "backpack/theme-coreuiv4": "^1.0",
        "backpack/theme-tabler": "^1.0",
        "backpack/logmanager": "^5.0",
        "backpack/settings": "^3.1",
        "backpack/newscrud": "^5.0",
        "backpack/permissionmanager": "^7.0",
        "backpack/pagemanager": "^3.2",
        "backpack/menucrud": "^4.0",
        "backpack/backupmanager": "^5.0",
        "backpack/editable-columns": "^3.0",
        "backpack/revise-operation": "^2.0",
        "backpack/medialibrary-uploaders": "^1.0",
        "backpack/devtools": "^2.0",

Step 3.1. We removed PackageVersions and the cache busting string is now handled by Basset. To avoid errors on the next step, please remove cachebusting_string from config/backpack/base.php.

- 'cachebusting_string' => \PackageVersions\Versions::getVersion('backpack/crud'),

Step 3.2. Let's get the latest Backpack and install it. If you get any conflicts with Backpack 1st party add-ons, most of the time you just need to move one version up, eg: from backpack/menucrud: ^3.0 to backpack/menucrud: ^4.0. See the step above again. Please run:

composer update

# before calling the next command make sure you have no pending migrations with `php artisan migrate:status`
# and that your webserver is running and accessible in the URL you defined in .env `APP_URL`.
php artisan backpack:install

When asked to install a theme, please choose the CoreUIv2 theme. It'll be easier to upgrade using it.


No changes needed. But there are a few improvements you could make, if you want, that will help clean up your Models and move a bit of logic that might be admin-panel-only to the admin panel files:

Step 4. (OPTIONAL) If you use acessors and mutators for upload fields, you can now use Uploaders instead. TODO: link to migration steps

Step 5. (OPTIONAL) If you use accessors and mutators any other fields, you can use Eloquent model events on fields.

Form Requests

No changes needed. But there are a few improvements you could make, if you want

Step 6. (OPTIONAL) If any of your requests have only a few attributes, you can delete the request file and move the validation to the CrudController; you can specify the validation rules as an array or validate directly on fields;

Step 7. (OPTIONAL) If you were manually validating the upload, upload_multiple or image field to do complex stuff, v6 provides an easier way to do it; check the upload field docs, upload_multiple field docs for the new validation classes we've introduced - ValidUpload and ValidUploadMultiple;


No changes needed.


Step 8. We've moved all user-interface-related configs from config/backpack/base.php to config/backpack/ui.php. Please:

  • change your ui.php to have any customizations you've done in your base.php;
  • change your base.php - delete all the configs that have been moved to ui.php; you should end up with a base.php file that has these options only.
  • make sure you remove this line from the global scripts section in ui.php:

Step 9. Backpack v6 comes with brand new themes! And the default theme is theme-tabler, a competely new theme, that introduces quite a few breaking changes. It'll be easier to upgrade if you don't use Tabler from the start, but use theme-coreuiv2 instead. That theme is there for maximum backwards compatiblity. So please do composer require backpack/theme-coreuiv2, then go to config/backpack/ui.php and change your view namespace to use that theme:

    'view_namespace'          => 'backpack.theme-coreuiv2::',
    'view_namespace_fallback' => 'backpack.theme-coreuiv2::',


Step 10. We have removed the address_algolia field type, because the API it was using has been sunsetted. You're unlikely to use it at this point, and if you are it's already broken for you. You can use our google_address or google_map fields as alternatives, but please note you will probably need to edit the DB entries too.

Step 11. We have removed the color_picker field and column type, because the package was not maintained anymore and didn't support bootstrap 5. You can replace those with the color field/column that has a similar functionality.

Step 12. (OPTIONAL) We have added column types for all field types (33+ new columns). If previously you weren't showing an attribute in your List and Show operation, because we didn't have a column for it... now we do. Feel free to use the same name for the column as you're using for the field.

Step 13. (OPTIONAL) We've merged the array and fluent syntaxes. If you're using $this->crud->addField() and $this->crud->addColumn(), then using the fluent syntax to modify that field or column, you can now do them in one go. Both CRUD::field() and CRUD::column() methods now support an array too, so you can do:

    'name' => 'price',
    'label' => 'Product price',

Step 14. When defining multi-input fields, use comma instead of array. If you're using the date_range or checklist_dependency fields, change the name definition from ['first_input', 'second_input'] to 'first_input,second_input'.

Step 15. (OPTIONAL) If you have your store() or update() methods overriden just as callbacks, to do stuff when entries are created or updated, we have a suggestion for you that will clean up your code. Instead of overriding those methods, you can use Eloquent model events to achieve the same thing. See the updated callbacks docs for all the options available.

CSS & JS Assets

Step 16. We have invented a whole new way of using CSS & JS assets in Laravel projects. We heavily recommend you use it too for you custom assets. Instead of installing assets using NPM, then minimizing and compiling them:

// you can now do
// instead of
<script src="https://example.com/link/to/asset.js">

It's as easy as using an asset from a CDN, but it's much much better than that. What happens is that asset is being cached on your machine, and delivered from there. So you get all benefits of CDNs, with no privacy concerns to your users. We heavily recommend you use Basset to load all of your custom assets. Read the docs to find out more stuff you can do with it.

Step 17. Since all Backpack packages are now using Basset, assets are no longer picked up from the public/packages directory. If you haven't added any custom files to it, you can now remove that directory using rm -rf public/packages. If you have added or modified things in public/packages, please:

  • move the custom assets to a different directory
  • load them using @basset(public_path('path/to/file.css'))
  • then remove the public/packages directory


Step 18. Have you developed any custom fields, columns, operations etc? Rephrased: do you have anything inside your resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud directory? If so, we recommended you load your CSS & JS assets using @basset('path/to/file.css') instead of @loadonce('path/to/file.css') or <link href="path/to/file.css">. This will not only make sure that piece of JS/CSS/code is only loaded once per pageload, but it will also help serve all assets from one central location (your storage/app/public directory) which can be easily cleared using php artisan basset:clear to force cache-busting. You can find more info about it here.

Step 19. If you've published and overriden any CRUD blade files, please take a look at the changes, and re-do them in your files too. We've done quite a few changes, to account for different themes in v6. For custom components, a good way to make them pretty would be to copy-paste HTML from Tabler, CoreUIv4, Backstrap (depending on what theme you've chosen to use) or straight out Bootstrap. // TODO: link to diff

Step 20. Please rename resources/views/vendor/backpack/base directory, from base to ui. Note: if you previously had an ui folder you need to rename it or delete it before doing this step.

Step 21. Please rename resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/inc/sidebar_content.blade.php from sidebar_content.blade.php to menu_items.blade.php.

Step 22. Please consider removing your resources/views/errors directory. Previously Backpack used that directory to hold admin panel error views. But that meant those error views were also used by the app itself (non-admin panel). If those error views are Backpack's (not your custom error views), please delete them.

Step 23. (OPTIONAL) If you want to be able to switch between different themes, but keep your current menu, you need to write your menu in a way that is theme-agnostic. Fortunately Backpack has a very simple solution to that. We've developed a few Blade components you can use in your menu_items.blade.php. Just rewrite your menu items HTML, and they will look pretty across all Backpack themes:

<x-backpack::menu-item title="Dashboard" icon="la la-dashboard" :link="backpack_url('dashboard')" />

<x-backpack::menu-dropdown title="News" icon="la la-newspaper-o">
    <x-backpack::menu-dropdown-item title="Articles" icon="la la-newspaper-o" :link="backpack_url('article')" />
    <x-backpack::menu-dropdown-item title="Categories" icon="la la-list" :link="backpack_url('category')" />
    <x-backpack::menu-dropdown-item title="Tags" icon="la la-tag" :link="backpack_url('tag')" />

<x-backpack::menu-separator title="Admin Stuff Below" />

Step 24. If you have any other blade files in this new ui directory, please note that those files have been moved to themes. Backpack v6 offers three themes right from the start:

Depending on how many files are there, you might want to use theme-coreuiv2 to check everything still working, THEN change themes to theme-coreuiv4 or theme-tabler. If you want to use any of the new themes, but stuff is breaking, look at the differences between that theme's files and your files, and do the changes needed.


Step 25. If your error views have been published a long time ago, they might have a security bug. If you haven't done this already, please run php artisan backpack:fix to start escaping the error messages in those views.


Step 26. Clear your app's cache:

php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan view:clear

If the table view still looks wonky (search bar out of place, big + instead of ellipsis), then do a hard-reload in your browser (Cmd+Shift+R or Ctrl+Shift+F5) to purge the browser cache too.

Step 27. If your pages are slow to load, that's because Basset caching the assets as you load the pages, so your first pageload will be quite slow. If you find that annoying, run php artisan basset:cache to cache all CSS and JS assets. Alternatively, if you want Basset NOT to run because you're making changes to CSS and JS files, you can add BASSET_DEV_MODE=true to your .ENV file.

Upgrade Add-ons

For any addons you might have upgraded, please double-check if they have an upgrade guide. For example, elFinder needs to replace it's old view files:

rm -rf resources/views/vendor/elfinder
php artisan backpack:filemanager:install

This will remove elfinder view files and publish new ones.

You're done! Good job. Thank you for taking the time to upgrade. Now you can:

  • thoroughly test your application and your admin panel;
  • start using the new features in Backpack v6;
  • install a new theme, by running php artisan backpack:require:theme-tabler or php artisan backpack:require:theme-coreuiv4; but please make sure you've followed Step 23 first, otherwise your menu items will not look good;

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