
About Backpack's User Interface

Backpack provides an admin interface that includes:

  • HTML components and layouts, provided by Backpack themes;
  • sweetalert for triggering pretty confirmation modals;
  • noty to show notification bubbles upon error/success/warning/info - triggered from JavaScript;
  • prologue/alerts for triggering notification bubbles from PHP (both on the same page and using flashdata);
  • a separate authentication system for your admins;
  • pretty error pages for most common errors;
  • a menu you can customize;
  • a few helpers you can use throughout your admin panel;

Layout & Design


Depending on what theme you are using, Backpack pulls in a different Bootstrap HTML Template. You can use its HTML components for any custom pages or sections you create, by copy-pasting the HTML from their website:

New Files in Your App

After installation, you'll notice Backpack has added a few files:

1) View to resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/inc/menu_items.blade.php

This file is used to show the contents of the menu. It's been published there so that you can easily modify its contents, by editing its HTML.

2) Middleware to app/Http/Middleware/CheckIfAdmin.php

This middleware is used to test if users have access to admin panel pages. You can (and should customize it) if you have both users and admins in your app.

3) Route file to routes/backpack/custom.php

This route file is for convenience and convention. We recommend you place all your admin panel routes here.

Published Views

After installation, you'll notice Backpack has added a new blade file in resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/:

  • inc/menu_items.blade.php;

That file is used to show the contents of the menu. It's been published there so that you can easily modify its contents, by editing its HTML or adding dynamic content through widgets.

Unpublished Views

You can change any blade file to your own needs. Determine what file you'd need to modify if you were to edit directly in the project's vendor folder (eg. vendor/backpack/theme-tabler), then go to resources/views/vendor/backpack/theme-tabler and create a file with the exact same name. Backpack will use this new file, instead of the one in the package.

For example:

  • when using the CoreUI v2 theme, if you want to add an item to the top menu, you could just create a file called resources/views/vendor/backpack/theme-coreuiv2/inc/topbar_left_content.blade.php; Backpack will now use this file's contents, instead of vendor/backpack/theme-coreuiv2/resources/views/inc/topbar_left_content.php;
  • if you want to change the contents of the dashboard page, you can just create a file called resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/dashboard.blade.php and Backpack will use that one, instead of the one in the package;

You can create blade views from scratch, or you can use our command to publish the view from the package and edit it to your liking:

php artisan backpack:publish ui/dashboard

Then inside the blade files, you can use either plain-old HTML or add dynamic content through Backpack widgets.

Please note that it is NOT recommended to publish and override too many theme files. If you discover you're creating many of these files, you're basically creating a new theme. So we recommend you do just that. Please follow the docs to create a new "child theme".

Folder Structure

If you'll take a look inside any Backpack package, you'll notice the packages are organised like a standard Laravel app. This is intentional. It should help you easily understand how the package works, and how you can overwrite/customize its functionality.

  • app
    • Console
    • Commands
    • Http
    • Controllers
    • Middleware
    • Requests
    • Notifications
  • config
  • resources
    • lang
    • views
  • routes


When installed, Backpack provides a way for admins to login, recover password and register (don't worry, register is only enabled on localhost). It does so with its own authentication controllers, models and middleware. If you have regular end-users (not admins), you can keep the user authentication completely separate from admin authentication. You can change which model, middleware classes Backpack uses, inside the config/backpack/base.php config file.

Backpack uses Laravel's default App\Models\User model. This assumes you weren't already using this model, or the users table, for anything else. Or that you plan to use it for both users & admins. Otherwise, please read below.

Using a Different User Model

If you want to use a different User model than App\Models\User or you've changed its location, you can tell Backpack to use a different model in config/backpack/base.php. Look for user_model_fqn.

Having Both Regular Users and Admins

If you already use the users table to store end-users (not admins), you will need a way to differentiate admins from regular users. Backpack does not force one method on you. Here are two methods we recommend, below:

  • (A) adding an is_admin column to your users table, then changing the app/Http/Middleware/CheckIfAdmin::checkIfUserIsAdmin() method to test that attribute exists, and is true;
  • (B) using the PermissionManager extension - this will also add groups and permissions; Then tell Backpack to use your new permission middleware to check if a logged in user is an admin, inside config/backpack/base.php;


By default, all administration panel routes will be behind an /admin/ prefix, and under an CheckIfAdmin middleware. You can change that inside config/backpack/base.php.

Inside your admin controllers or views, please:

  • use backpack_auth() instead of auth();
  • use backpack_user() instead of auth()->user;
  • use backpack_url() instead of url();

This will make sure you're using the model, prefix & middleware that you've defined in config/backpack/base.php. In case you decide to make changes there later, you won't need to change anything else. There are also other backpack helpers you can use.

Admin Account

When logged in, the admin can click on their name to go to their "account" page. There, they will be able to do a few basic operations: change name, email or password.

Change Name and Email

Changing name and email is done inside Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\Auth\MyAccountController, using the getAccountInfoForm() and postAccountInfoForm() methods. If you want to change how this works, we recommend you create a routes/backpack/base.php file, copy-paste all Backpack\CRUD routes there and change whatever routes you need, to point to your own controller, where you can do whatever you want.

If you only want to add a few new inputs, you can do that by creating a file in resources/views/vendor/backpack/theme-xxx/my_account.blade.php that uses code from the same file in the theme, but adds the inputs you need. Remember to also make these fields $fillable in your User model.

Change Password

Password changing is done inside Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\Auth\MyAccountController. If you want to change how this works, we recommend you create a routes/backpack/base.php file, copy-paste all Backpack\CRUD routes there and change whatever you need. You can then point the route to your own controller, where you can do whatever you want.


You can use these helpers anywhere in your app (models, views, controllers, requests, etc), except the config files, since the config files are loaded before the helpers.

  • backpack_url($path) - Use this helper instead of url() to generate paths with the admin prefix prepended.
  • backpack_auth() - Returns the Auth facade, using the current Backpack guard. Basically a shorthand for \Auth::guard(backpack_guard_name()). Use this instead of auth() inside your admin panel pages.
  • backpack_middleware() - Returns the key for the admin middleware. Default is admin.
  • backpack_authentication_column() - Returns the username column. The Laravel and Backpack default is email.
  • backpack_users_have_email() - Tests that the email column exists on the users table and returns true/false.
  • backpack_avatar($user) - Receives a user object and returns a path to an avatar image, according to the preferences in the config file (gravatar, placeholder or custom).
  • backpack_guard_name() - Returns the guard used for Backpack authentication.
  • backpack_user() - Returns the current Backpack user, if logged in. Basically a shorthand for \Auth::guard(backpack_guard_name())->user(). Use this instead of auth()->user() inside your admin pages.

Error Pages

When installing Backpack, a few error views are published into resources/views/errors, if you don't already have other files there. This is because Laravel does not provide error pages for all HTTP error codes. Having these files in your project will make sure that, if a user gets an HTTP error, at least it will look decent. Error pages are provided for the following error codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 408, 429, 500, 503.

Custom Pages

To create a new page for your admin panel, you can follow the same process you would if you created a normal Laravel page (a Route, View and maybe a Controller). Just make sure that:

  • the route file is under the admin middleware;
  • the view extends one of our layout files (so that you get the design and the topbar+sidebar layout;

You can do exactly that by running php artisan backpack:page PageName, or manually by following the steps below:

Add a custom page to your admin panel (dynamic page)

# Step 1. Create the controller (we recommend you place it in your `app/Http/Controllers/Admin`)


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PageController extends Controller
    public function example()
        $data['something'] = 'Something';

        return view('admin.example_page', $data);

# Step 2. Create a route for it (we recommend you place it in your `routes/backpack/custom.php` for simplicity)

Route::get('example-page', 'PageController@example');

# Step 3. Create the view (we recommend you place it in your `resources/views/admin`:


    <h1>Example page</h1>

Add a custom page to your admin panel (static page)

Alternatively, if you are not getting any information from the database, and are just creating a quick static page, here's a quicker way:

# Step 1. Create a route for it (we recommend you place it in your `routes/backpack/custom.php` for simplicity)

Route::get('example-page', function () { return view('admin.example_page'); });

# Step 2. Create that view (we recommend you place it in your `resources/views/admin`:


    <h1>Example page</h1>

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