
Blade Components


Blade components are a quick way for you to output a bit of HTML... that can then be customized by each Backpack theme. It's a clean way of echoing theme-agnostic components, because for each Component that Backpack provides, the theme itself can customize and make it pretty in their own way.

How to Use

Anywhere in your blade files, you can use the Blade components we have. But most likely you'll be using them in your resources/views/vendor/backpack/ui/inc/menu_items.blade.php, because all our components currently are concerned with outputting menu items in a theme-agnostic way.

Mandatory Attributes

There are no mandatory attributes.

Optional Attributes

All components also allow you to specify custom attributes. When you specify a custom attribute, that attribute will be placed on the most likely element of that component. In most cases, that is the anchor element. For example:

<x-backpack::menu-item title="Tags" icon="la la-tag" :link="backpack_url('tags')" target="_blank" />

Even though the 'target' attribute doesn't technically exist in the component, that attribute will be placed on that component's a element.

Available Components

Menu Item

Shows a menu item, with the title and link you specify:

<x-backpack::menu-item title="Tags" icon="la la-tag" :link="backpack_url('tags')" />

Note that you can further customize this using custom attributes. If you define a target on it, that will be passed down to the a element.

Menu Separator

Shows a menu separator, with the title you specify:

<x-backpack::menu-separator title="Some text for separation" />

Note that you can further customize this using custom attributes. If you define a class on it, that will be passed down to the li element.

Menu Dropdown & Menu Dropdown Item

To show a dropdown menu, with elements, you can use the menu-dropdown and menu-dropdown-item components:

<x-backpack::menu-dropdown title="Authentication" icon="la la-group">
    <x-backpack::menu-dropdown-item title="Users" icon="la la-user" :link="backpack_url('user')" />
    <x-backpack::menu-dropdown-item title="Roles" icon="la la-group" :link="backpack_url('role')" />
    <x-backpack::menu-dropdown-item title="Permissions" icon="la la-key" :link="backpack_url('permission')" />


  • on menu-dropdown you can define nested="true" to flag that dropdown as nested (aka. having a parent); so you can have dropdown in dropdown in dropdown;
  • on both components, you can also define custom attributes; eg. if you define a target on one, that will be passed down to the a element;

Overriding Default Components

You can override a component by placing a file with the same name in your resources\views\vendor\backpack\ui\components directory. When a file is there, Backpack will pick that one up, instead of the one in the package.

Avoid doing this. When you're overwriting a component, you're forfeiting any future updates for that component. We can't push updates to a file that you're no longer using.

Creating a Custom Component

We do not support creating custom components within the backpack namespace. If you want to create a custom component, please create one in the app namespace. The Laravel docs on Blade Components will teach you everything you need to know.

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