

We've put together a working Laravel app (backend-only). This should make it easier to:

  • see how it looks & feels;
  • see how it works;
  • change stuff in code, to see how easy it is to customize Backpack;

In this Demo repository, we've:

  • installed Laravel 10;
  • installed Backpack\CRUD; FREE
  • installed Backpack\PRO; PRO
  • installed Backpack\Editable-Columns; PREMIUM
  • created a few demo models and admin panels for them, using dozens of field types, column types, filters, etc - to show off most of Backpack CRUD + PRO features;
  • installed a few Backpack extensions: PermissionManager, PageManager, LogManager, BackupManager, Settings, MenuCRUD, NewsCRUD;

Don't use this demo to start your real projects. Please use the recommended installation procedure. You don't want all the bogus entities we've created. You don't want all the packages we've used. And you definitely don't want the default admin user. Start from scratch!

Demo Preview


If you just want to take a look at the Backpack interface and click around, you don't have to install anything. Take a look at demo.backpackforlaravel.com - we've installed for you. The online demo is wiped and reinstalled every hour, on the hour.

Demo Installation

If you do want to install the Demo and play around, it's easy to do so. But because the demo uses Backpack/PRO and Backpack/Editable-Columns, you need to purchase "Everything" first, or those addons individually. If you don't like it, we'll happily give you a refund.

1) In your Projects or www directory, wherever you host your apps:

git clone https://github.com/Laravel-Backpack/demo.git backpack-demo

2) Set your database information in your .env file (use .env.example as an example);

3) Authenticate and install the requirements:

cd backpack-demo

# Tell Composer how to connet to the private Backpack repo.
# You'll need to replace these with your real token and password:
composer config http-basic.backpackforlaravel.com [your-token-username] [your-token-password]

# Install all dependencies
composer install

4) Populate the database:

php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class="Backpack\Settings\database\seeds\SettingsTableSeeder"
php artisan db:seed

5) Internalize the CSS and JS assets using Basset:

php artisan storage:link
php artisan basset:internalize

Demo Usage

Once everything's installed, and your database has been set up:

  • Your admin panel is available at http://localhost/backpack-demo/admin
  • Login with email [email protected], password admin
  • You can register a different account, to check out the process and see your Gravatar inside the admin panel.
  • By default, registration is open only in your local environment. Check out config/backpack/base.php to change this and other preferences.
  • Check out the Monsters admin panel - it features over 50 field types.
  • Devs love Backpack not just for its standard functionality, but also for how easy it is to code your own, or customize every little bit of it. Our recommendation:
    • Go through the CRUD Tutorial to understand it;
    • Create a new CRUD panel for an entity, using the faster procedure outlined at the end of that page; say... car;

vhost configurations

Depending on your vhost configuration you might need to access the application via a different url, for example if you're using artisan serve you can access it on - if you're using Laravel Valet, then it may look like http://backpack-demo.test/admin - you will need to access the url which matches your systems configuration. If you do not understand how to configure your virtual hosts, we suggest watching Laracasts Episode #1 to quickly get started.

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