
Trash Operation PRO



This CRUD operation allows your admins to soft delete, restore and permanently delete entries from the table. In other words, admins can send entries to the trash, recover them from trash or completely destroy them.


  1. This is a PRO operation. It requires that you have purchased access to backpack/pro.

  2. In addition, it needs that your Model uses Laravel's SoftDeletes trait. For that, you should:

    • generate a migration to add the deleted_at column to your table, eg. php artisan make:migration add_soft_deletes_to_products --table=products;
    • inside that file's Schema::table() closure, add $table->softDeletes();
    • run php artisan migrate
    • add use SoftDeletes on the corresponding model (and import that class namespace);

Trash a Single Item PRO

How it Works

  • Trash: Using AJAX, a DELETE request is performed towards /entity-name/{id}/trash, which points to the trash() method in your EntityCrudController.

  • Restore: Using AJAX, a PUT request is performed towards /entity-name/{id}/restore, which points to the restore() method in your EntityCrudController.

  • Destroy: Using AJAX, a DELETE request is performed towards /entity-name/{id}/destroy, which points to the destroy() method in your EntityCrudController.

How to Use

Step 1. If your EntityCrudController uses the DeleteOperation, remove it. TrashOperation is a complete alternative to DeleteOperation.

Step 2. You need to use \Backpack\Pro\Http\Controllers\Operations\TrashOperation; inside your EntityCrudController. Ideally the TrashOperation should be the last one that gets used. For example:

class ProductCrudController extends CrudController
    // ... other operations
    use \Backpack\Pro\Http\Controllers\Operations\TrashOperation;

This will make a Trash button and Trashed filter show up in the list view, and will enable the routes and functionality needed for the operation. If you're getting a "Trait not found" exception, make sure in the namespace you have typed Backpack\Pro, not Backpack\PRO.

How to configure

You can easily disable the default trash filter:

public function setupTrashOperation() 
    CRUD::setOperationSetting('withTrashFilter', false);

Disabling the filter also will make the trashed items show in your List view. Note that, by default, the Destroy button is only shown in trashed items. If you want to allow your admins to permanently delete without sending first to trash... you can achieve that by defining in your operation setup:

// in the setupTrashOperation method
CRUD::setOperationSetting('canDestroyNonTrashedItems', true);

How to control access to operation actions

When used, TrashOperation each action inside this operation (trash, restore and destroy) checks for access, before being performed. Likewise, BulkTrashOperation checks for access to bulkTrash, bulkRestore and bulkDestroy.

That means you can revoke access to some operations, depending on user roles or anything else you want:

// if user is not superadmin, don't allow permanently delete items
public function setupTrashOperation() 
    if(! backpack_user()->hasRole('superadmin')) {

How to Override

In case you need to change how this operation works, just create trash(), restore(),destroy() methods in your EntityCrudController, and they will be used instead of the default ones. For example for trash():

use \Backpack\Pro\Http\Controllers\Operations\TrashOperation { trash as traitTrash; }

public function trash($id)

    // your custom code here

You can also override the buttons by creating a file with the same name inside your resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/buttons/. You can easily publish the buttons there to make changes using:

php artisan backpack:button --from=trash

php artisan backpack:button --from=restore

php artisan backpack:button --from=destroy

BulkTrash (Trash Multiple Items) PRO

In addition to the button for each entry, PRO developers can show checkboxes next to each element, to allow their admin to trash, restore & delete multiple entries at once.

How it Works

  • BulkTrash: Using AJAX, a DELETE request is performed towards /entity-name/{id}/bulk-trash, which points to the bulkTrash() method in your EntityCrudController.

  • BulkRestore: Using AJAX, a PUT request is performed towards /entity-name/{id}/bulk-restore, which points to the bulkRestore() method in your EntityCrudController.

  • BulkDestroy: Using AJAX, a DELETE request is performed towards /entity-name/{id}/bulk-destroy, which points to the bulkDestroy() method in your EntityCrudController.

How to Use

Assuming your Model already uses Larave's SoftDeletes, you just need to use \Backpack\Pro\Http\Controllers\Operations\BulkTrashOperation; on your EntityCrudController.

How to Override

In case you need to change how this operation works, just create a bulkTrash(), bulkRestore() or bulkDestroy() methods in your EntityCrudController:

use \Backpack\Pro\Http\Controllers\Operations\BulkTrashOperation { bulkTrash as traitBulkTrash; }

public function bulkTrash()

    // your custom code here

You can also override the buttons by creating a file with the same name inside your resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/buttons/. You can easily publish the buttons there to make changes using:

php artisan backpack:button --from=bulk_trash

php artisan backpack:button --from=bulk_restore

php artisan backpack:button --from=bulk_destroy

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