
Create an Add-On using our Addon Skeleton

This tutorial will help you package a Backpack operation or entire CRUD into a Composer package, so that you can use it in multiple Laravel projects. And if you open-source it, others can do the same.

Part A. Build the Functionality in Your Project

Make sure you have working code in your project. Code everything the package will need, the same way you normally do. Before even thinking about turning it into a package, you should have working code. This is easier because:

  • you don't have to do anything new while working on functionality
  • you don't have to think about package namespaces
  • you don't have to think about what to make configurable or translatable
  • you can test the functionality alone (without the package wiring and stuff)

(optional) Hot tip: Don't commit the code to your package yet. Or, if you've already done a commit (and it's the last commit), run git reset HEAD^ to undo the commit (but keep the changes). This is not necessary but we find it super-helpful. If you changes are inside your project, but uncommitted, you can easily see the files that have changed using git status, hence... the files that contain the functionality you should move to the package. It's like a progress screen - everything here should disappear - that's how you know you're done.

(optional) Bonus points: You can use a Git client (like Git Fork) instead of git status, because that'll also show the atomic changes you've made to route files, sidebar etc... not only the file names:

Using Git Fork to see the files and changes that need to be moved to a package or Backpack add-on

As you move things to your new package, they'll disappear from here. You know you're done when you only have the changes the users of your package need to make, to use it. Normally that's just a change to the composer.json and (maybe) a configuration file.

Part B. Create The Package

Step 1. Generate the package folder

Let's install this excellent package that will make everything a lot faster:

composer require jeroen-g/laravel-packager --dev

Let's create our package. Instead of using their skeleton, we're going to use the Backpack addon-skeleton:

php artisan packager:new --i --skeleton="https://github.com/Laravel-Backpack/addon-skeleton/archive/master.zip"

It will then ask you some basic information about the package. Keep in mind:

  • the vendor-name should probably be your GitHub handle (or organisation), in kebab-case (ex: company-name); it will be used for folder names, but also for GitHub and Packagist links;
  • the package-name should be in kebab-case too (ex: moderate-operation);
  • the skeleton, if you haven't copied the entire command above, should probably be the one we provide: https://github.com/Laravel-Backpack/addon-skeleton/archive/master.zip, which has everything you need to quickly create a Backpack add-on, including an innovative AddonServiceProvider that "just works";
  • the website should be a valid URL, so include the protocol too: http://example.com;
  • the description should be pretty short; you can change it later in composer.json;
  • the license is just the license name, if it's a common one (ex: MIT, GPLv2); our skeleton assumes you want MIT but you can easily change it;

OK great. The command has:

  • created a /packages/vendor-name/package-name folder in your root directory;
  • modified your project's composer.json file to load the files in this new folder;

This new folder should hold all your package files. You're off to a great start, because you're using our package skeleton (aka template), so it's already a working package. And it's already got a good file structure.

Let's take a look at the generated files inside /packages/vendor-name/package-name:

Blank Backpack addon as generated using the addon skeleton

You'll notice that it looks exactly like a Laravel project, with a few exceptions:

  • PHP classes live in src instead of app;
  • inside that src folder you also have an AddonServiceProvider; so let's take a moment to explain why it's there, and what it does:
    • normally a package needs a ServiceProvider to tell Laravel "load the views from here", "load the migrations from here", "load configs from here", things like that; because a Composer package can also be a general PHP package (non-Laravel), normally you have to code a ServiceProvider for your package, that tells Laravel how to use your package - you have to write all that wiring logic;
    • but thanks to AddonServiceProvicer, you don't have to do any of that; it's all done automatically if the files are in the right directories, just like Laravel does itself, in your project's folders;
    • the only thing you should worry about is placing your route files in routes, your migrations in database/migrations etc. and the AddonServiceProvider will understand and tell Laravel to load them; easy-peasy;

Excited by how easy it'll be to make it work? Excellent, let's do it.

If you want to test that your package is being loaded, you can do a dd('got here') inside your package's AddonServiceProvider::boot method. If you refresh the page, you should see that dd() statement executed.

Step 1. Initialize a git repo and make your first package commit

Let's save what we have so far - the generated files:

# go to the package folder (of course - use your names here)
cd packages/vendor-name/package-name

# create a new git repo
git init

# (optional, but recommended)
# by default the skeleton includes folders for most of the stuff you need
# so that it's easier to just drag&drop files there; but you really
# shouldn't have folders that you don't use in your package;
# so an optional but recommended step here would be to
# delete all .gitkeep files, so that you leave the 
# empty folders empty; that way, you can still
# drag&drop stuff into them, but Git will
# ignore the empty folders
find . -name ".gitkeep" -print # shows all .gitkeep files, to double-check
find . -name ".gitkeep" -exec rm -rf {} \; # deletes all .gitkeep files

# commit the initially generated files
git add .
git commit -am "generated package code using laravel-packager and the backpack addon-skeleton" 

Excellent. Now we have two git repos, that we can use as a progress indicator:

  • the project repo, where the files are uncommitted;
  • the package repo, where we'll be moving the functionality;

If you've used a git client you can even place them side-by-side, and see the progress as you move files from the project (left) to the package (right). But you don't have to do that, it's just a nice visual indicator if it's your first package:

Two git repos - the project and the new package

Step 2. Define any extra dependencies

Your /packages/vendor-name/package-name/composer.json file already requires the latest version of Backpack (thanks to the addon skeleton). If your package needs any third-party packages apart from Backpack and Laravel, make sure to add them to the require section. Normally this just means cutting&pasting the line from your project's composer.json to your package's composer.json.

Step 3. Move the functionality from your project to your package

Time to move files from your project to your package. You can use whatever you want for that - drag&drop, the command line, your IDE or editor, whatever you want.

Moving files from your project to your package

As you do that, your git status or git client should show fewer and fewer files in your project, and more and more files in your package.

Below we'll take each project directory, one by one, and explain where its files should go. But this should all pretty intuitive:

Files inside your project's app directory

Move from the subdirectory there to the same subdirectory inside your package's src; that means:

  • controllers go inside src/Http/Controllers;
  • requests go inside src/Http/Requests;
  • models go inside src/Models;
  • commands go inside src/Commands;
  • etc.

IMPORTANT: Since you're moving PHP classes, after moving them you must also change their namespaces. Your class is no longer App\Http\Controllers\Admin\ExampleCrudController but VendorName\PackageName\Http\Controllers\ExampleCrudController.

I'd love to tell you you can it using a search&replace, but... no. In this case search&replace is not worth it, because it might also replace other stuff you don't want replaced. So it's best to just go ahead:

  • open all the files you've moved;
  • manually replace stuff like App\Http with VendorName\PackageName\Http;

Files inside your project's config directory

If you won't be using config files, just delete the entire config package directory.

If you will be using config files, to let the users of your package publish it and change how stuff works that way, it's super-simple to use:

  • you already have a file generated in /packages/vendor-name/package-name/config/package-name.php;
  • cut&paste any config values you want over here; if you add for example config_key, it'll be available in your classes using config('vendor-name.package-name.config_key');

If you don't have any configs right now, but will want to add later, that's OK too. Do it later.

Files inside your project's database directory

You have the same directory in your package, just move them there.

That means:

  • database/migrations
  • database/seeds or database/seeders
  • database/factories

Files inside your project's resources\views directory

You have the same directory in your package, just move them there. Views moved in your package folder will be automatically available in the vendor-name.package-name namespace, so you can load them using view('vendor-name.package-name::path.to.file').

For views that need to be changed by the user upon installation, and cannot be moved to the package (for example, menu items inside sidebar_content.blade.php), add the changes the user needs to do inside your package's readme.md file, under Installation.

Files inside your project's resources\lang directory

If your package won't support translations yet, just skip this.

If it will, notice you already have a lang file created for English, in your package - /packages/vendor-name/package-name/resources/lang/en/package-name.php. Populate that file with the language lines you need, by cutting&pasting from your project. They'll be available as lang('vendor-name.package-name::package-name.line_key') so you need to also find&replace your old keys with the new ones.

Files inside your project's routes directory

If your package only adds a view (ex: a field, a column, a filter, a widget) then it probably won't need a route, you can just delete the entire routes directory in your package.

If you package does need routes (like when it provides an entire CRUD), you'll find there's already a file in your /packages/vendor-name/package-name/route/package-name.php, waiting for your routes, with a few helpful comments. Just cut&paste the routes from your project inside that file.

Helper functions inside your project's bootstrap\helpers.php file

If you've added any functions there that you need inside the package, you'll notice there's already a /packages/vendor-name/package-name/bootstrap/helpers.php file waiting for you. Cut&paste them there.

If your package does not any extra need helper functions, just delete the entire bootstrap directory in the package.

Step 4. Test that the package works

That's pretty much it. You've created your package! 🥳 All the files your package need are inside your package, and the only remaining changes in your project (as reflected by git status) should be the minimal changes that users need to do to install your package.

Go ahead and test it in the browser. Make sure the functionality that was working inside your project is still working now that it's inside a package. You might have forgotten something - we all do sometimes.

Step 5. Delete the package files you don't need

Now that you know your package is working, go through the package folder and delete whatever your package isn't actually using: empty directories, empty files, placeholder files. Clean it up a little bit.

Step 6. Customize Markdown Files

Inside your package folder, go through all markdown files and make them your own. At the very least, open the README.md file and spend a little time on it, give it some love:

  • write a clear description;
  • add a screenshot if appropriate;
  • write clear installation instructions (step-by-step) for how to use your package;
  • answer any questions users might have about what the package does;
  • link to whatever dependencies or resources your add-on uses, so that they check out their docs instead of bugging you about it;

If you plan to make this package public, take the README.md seriously, because it's a HUGE factor in how popular your package can become. If you include clear documentation and screenshots, more people will use your package - guaranteed.

Part C. Put The Package Online

First, create a new GitHub Repository for it. Remember to use the same name you defined in your package's composer.json. If in doubt, double-check.

Second, add that new GitHub Repo as a remote, and push your code to your new GitHub repo.

# save your working files to Git
git add .
git commit -am "working code for v1.0.0"

# add the remote to Github 
git remote add origin [email protected]:yourusername/yourrepository.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
git tag -a 1.0.0 -m 'First version'
git push --tags

The tags are the way you will version your package, so it's important you do it.

Part D. Make the package public (on Packagist)

In order for people to be able to install your package using Composer, your package needs to be registered with Packagist.org, Composer's free package registry.

On Packagist.org, submit a new package. Enter your package's GitHub URL and click Check. If any errors occur, follow the onscreen instructions. When you're done, you're taken to your package's Packagist page.

Congrats, you have a working package online, you can now install it using Composer.

Note: On the package page, you might get a notice like this: This package is not auto-updated. Please set up the GitHub Service Hook for Packagist so that it gets updated whenever you push! Let's take care of that. Click that link, get your API token and go to your package's GitHub page, in Settings / Webhooks & Services / Add a new service. Search for Packagist. Enter your username and the token and hit Submit. Your error in Packagist should disappear in 5–10 minutes.

Part E. Install the repo from GitHub

If you look close to your project's composer.json file, you'll notice your project is loading the package from packages/vendor-name/package-name. Which is fine, it's worked fine until now. But it's now time to install the package like your users will, and have it in vendor/vendor-name/package-name. That way:

  • you test that your users are able to install the package;
  • you don't commit anything extra inside your project;
  • you can easily make changes to your package, from whatever project you're using it in;

To do that, go ahead and do this to uninstall your package from your project:

cd ../../.. # so that you're inside your project, not package

# discard the changes in your composer files
# and delete the files from packages/vendor-name/package-name
php artisan packager:remove vendor-name package-name

And now install it exactly the same as your users will:

  • if it's closed-source, add the GitHub repo to your composer.json then move on to the next step; do NOT do this if your package is open-source:
    "repositories": {
        "vendor-name/package-name": {
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/vendor-name/package-name"
  • both for closed-source and open-source (on Packagist), install it using Composer's --prefer-source flag, so that it pulls the actual GitHub repo:
composer require vendor-name/package-name --prefer-source

That's it. It should be working fine now, but from the vendor/vendor-name/package-name directory. You can cd vendor/vendor-name/package-name and you'll see that you can git checkout master, make changes, tag releases, push to GitHub, everything.

Feedback and Promotion

Congratulations on your new Backpack addon!

To get feedback, ask people to try it on:

Make sure you write something nice, so people are interested to click.

After you've got some feedback, and a few users have installed your package and everything seems fine, time to promote it big time:

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