
CRUD API Cheat Sheet

Here are all the functions you will be using inside your EntityCrudController's setup() method, grouped by the operation you will most likely use them for.




Methods: addColumn(), addColumns(), modifyColumn(), removeColumn(), removeColumns(), setColumnDetails(), setColumnsDetails(), setColumns(), beforeColumn(), afterColumn(), makeFirstColumn()

// Manipulate what columns are shown in the table view.
$this->crud->addColumn($column_definition_array); // add a column, at the end of the stack
$this->crud->addColumns([$column_definition_array, $another_column_definition_array]); // add multiple columns, at the end of the stack
$this->crud->modifyColumn($name, $modifs_array);
$this->crud->removeColumn('column_name'); // remove a column from the stack
$this->crud->removeColumns(['column_name_1', 'column_name_2']); // remove an array of columns from the stack
$this->crud->setColumnDetails('column_name', ['attribute' => 'value']);
$this->crud->setColumnsDetails(['column_1', 'column_2'], ['attribute' => 'value']);

$this->crud->setColumns(); // set the columns you want in the table view, either as array of column names, or multidimensional array with all columns detailed with their types

$this->crud->addColumn()->beforeColumn('name'); // will show this before the given column
$this->crud->addColumn()->afterColumn('name'); // will show this after the given column

  // will make this column the first one in the list
  // you need to also specify priority 1 in your addColumn statement for details_row or responsive expand buttons to show


Methods: buttons(), addButton(), addButtonFromModelFunction(), addButtonFromView(), removeButton(), removeButtonFromStack(), removeButtons(), removeAllButtons(), removeAllButtonsFromStack(), modifyButton(), moveButton()

// possible stacks: 'top', 'line', 'bottom';
// possible positions: 'beginning' and 'end'; defaults to 'beginning' for the 'line' stack, 'end' for the others;
$this->crud->buttons(); // collection of all buttons
$this->crud->addButton($stack, $name, $type, $content, $position); // possible types are: 'view', 'model_function'
$this->crud->addButtonFromModelFunction($stack, $name, $model_function_name, $position); // add a button whose HTML is returned by a method in the CRUD model
$this->crud->addButtonFromView($stack, $name, $view, $position); // add a button whose HTML is in a view placed at resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\buttons
$this->crud->removeButtonFromStack($name, $stack);
$this->crud->removeButtons($names, $stack);
$this->crud->orderButtons($stack, $order); // order is an array with button names in the new order
$this->crud->modifyButton($name, $modifications); // modifications are the attributes and their new values
$this->crud->moveButton($target, $where, $destination); // move the target button to the destination position, target and destion are the button names, where is 'before' or 'after'


Methods: addFilter(), modifyFilter(), removeFilter(), removeAllFilters(), filters()

// Manipulate what filters are shown in the table view.
// Note: check out CRUD > Features > Filters in the docs to see examples of $filter_definition_array
$this->crud->addFilter($filter_definition_array, $values, $filter_logic);
$this->crud->modifyFilter($name, $modifs_array);
$this->crud->filters(); // gets all the filters

Details Row

Methods: enableDetailsRow(), disableDetailsRow()

// Shows a + sign next to each table row, so that the user can expand that row and reveal details. You are responsible for creating the view with those details.
// NOTE: you also need to do allow access to the right users: $this->crud->allowAccess('details_row');
// NOTE: you also need to do overwrite the showDetailsRow($id) method in your EntityCrudController to show whatever you'd like in the details row OR overwrite the views/backpack/crud/details_row.blade.php


Export Buttons

Methods: enableExportButtons()

// Show export to PDF, CSV, XLS and Print buttons on the table view. Please note it will only export the current _page_ of results. So in order to export all entries the user needs to make the current page show "All" entries from the top-left picker.

Responsive Table

Methods: enableResponsiveTable(), disableResponsiveTable()


Persistent Table

Methods: enablePersistentTable(), disablePersistentTable()


Page Length

Methods: setDefaultPageLength(), setPageLengthMenu()

// you can define the default page length. If it does not exist we will add it to the pagination array.

// you can configure the paginator shown to the user in various ways

// values and labels, 1st array the values, 2nd array the labels:
$this->crud->setPageLengthMenu([[100, 200, 300], ['one hundred', 'two hundred', 'three hundred']]); 

// values and labels in one array:
$this->crud->setPageLengthMenu([100 => 'one hundred', 200 => 'two hundred', 300 => 'three hundred']); 

// only values, we will use the values as labels:
$this->crud->setPageLengthMenu([100, 200, 300]); // OR
$this->crud->setPageLengthMenu([[100, 200, 300]]); 

// only one option available:

NOTE: Do not use 0 as a key, if you want to represent "ALL" use -1 instead.

Actions Column

Methods: setActionsColumnPriority()

// make the actions column (in the table view) hide when not enough space is available, by giving it an unreasonable priority

Custom / Advanced Queries

Methods: addClause(), groupBy(), limit(), orderBy()

// Change what entries are shown in the table view.
// This changes all queries on the table view,
// as opposed to filters, who only change it when that filter is applied. 
$this->crud->addClause('active'); // apply local scope
$this->crud->addClause('type', 'car'); // apply local dynamic scope
$this->crud->addClause('where', 'name', '=', 'car');
$this->crud->addClause('whereName', 'car');
$this->crud->addClause('whereHas', 'posts', function($query) {

// please note it's generally a good idea to use crud->orderBy() inside "if (!$this->crud->getRequest()->has('order')) {}"; that way, your custom order is applied ONLY IF the user hasn't forced another order (by clicking a column heading)


Use the same Columns API as for the ListEntries operation, but inside your show() method.

Create & Update Operations

Methods: addField(), addFields(), modifyField(), modifyFields(), removeField(), removeFields(), removeAllFields(), beforeField(), afterField()

// ------
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// Manipulate what fields are shown in the create / update forms.
// Note: check out CRUD > Features > Field Types in the docs to see examples of $field_definition_array

$this->crud->addField('db_column_name'); // a lazy way to add fields: let the CRUD decide what field type it is and set it automatically, along with the field label
$this->crud->modifyField($name, $modifs_array);

$this->crud->addField()->beforeField('name'); // will show this before the given field
$this->crud->addField()->afterField('name'); // will show this after the given field


Methods: enableReorder(), disableReorder(), isReorderEnabled()

    protected function setupReorderOperation()
        // model attribute to be shown on draggable items
        $this->crud->set('reorder.label', 'name'); 
        // maximum number of nesting allowed
        $this->crud->set('reorder.max_level', 2);

        // extras:
        // $this->crud->disableReorder();
        // $this->crud->isReorderEnabled();


// -------------------------
// REVISIONS aka Audit Trail
// -------------------------
// Tracks all changes to an entry and provides an interface to revert to a previous state.
// IMPORTANT: You also need to use \Venturecraft\Revisionable\RevisionableTrait;
// Please check out: https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/crud-operation-revisions

All Operations

Methods: allowAccess(), denyAccess(), hasAccess(), hasAccessOrFail(), hasAccessToAll(), hasAccessToAny(), setShowView(), setEditView(), setCreateView(), setListView(), setReorderView(), setRevisionsView, setRevisionsTimelineView(), setDetailsRowView(), getEntry(), getFields(), getColumns(), getCurrentEntry(), getTitle(), setTitle(), getHeading(), setHeading(), getSubheading(), setSubheading(),

// ------ 
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// Prevent or allow users from accessing different CRUD operations.

$this->crud->allowAccess(['list', 'create', 'delete']);
$this->crud->denyAccess(['list', 'create', 'delete']);

$this->crud->hasAccess('add'); // returns true/false
$this->crud->hasAccessOrFail('add'); // throws 403 error
$this->crud->hasAccessToAll(['create', 'update']); // returns true/false
$this->crud->hasAccessToAny(['create', 'update']); // returns true/false

// -------------
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// eager load a relationship

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// use a custom view for a CRUD operation

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// use a custom CSS class for the content of a CRUD operation

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// in your update() method, after calling parent::updateCrud()

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$this->crud->getActionMethod(); // returns the method on the controller that was called by the route; ex: create(), update(), edit() etc;
$this->crud->actionIs('create'); // checks if the controller method given is the one called by the route

$this->crud->getTitle('create'); // get the Title for the create action
$this->crud->getHeading('create'); // get the Heading for the create action
$this->crud->getSubheading('create'); // get the Subheading for the create action

$this->crud->setTitle('some string', 'create'); // set the Title for the create action
$this->crud->setHeading('some string', 'create'); // set the Heading for the create action
$this->crud->setSubheading('some string', 'create'); // set the Subheading for the create action

// ---------------------------
// CrudPanel Basic Information
// ---------------------------
// OR $this->crud->setRouteName("admin.example");
$this->crud->setEntityNameStrings("example", "examples");

// check the FormRequests used in that EntityCrudController for required fields, and add an asterisk to them in the create/edit form
$this->crud->setRequiredFields(StoreRequest::class, 'create');
$this->crud->setRequiredFields(UpdateRequest::class, 'edit');

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