
Release Notes

Launch date: March 22nd 2018

Here are the main differences between Backpack 3.3 and Backpack 3.4.

Backpack\Base 0.9.x

  • installation:
    • a single php artisan backpack:base:install command is needed to install Backpack\Base, instead of multiple steps;
    • a minimum amount of views is published (only sidebar_contents.blade.php), so that updates can be easily pushed to the other view files;
  • you can now have HTML messages inside notification bubbles, for example Alert::danger('<strong>Error!</strong><br>No idea what happened.');;
  • in the past layout.blade.php provided us with a few sections we could reuse (before_scripts, after_scripts etc.); since Laravel now has stacks, we've created stacks with the same names, so that we can easily push content from any view; they have the same names as the sections (before_scripts, after_scripts, before_styles, after_styles); the sections are still there, so you can use those too;
  • easily change admin middleware
    • config option to change the admin middleware name;
    • config option to change the admin middleware class;
    • the admin middleware class is now actually a middleware group, so you can add stuff to it;
  • easily change the login to use username instead of email
  • easily change the authentication guard aka separate logins for users and admins, using different sessions;
  • a command to create a new route, behind the default middleware; that route will be placed inside routes/backpack/custom.php;
  • a command to create a new sidebar item; it will publish the given HTML inside the new resources/views/vendor/backpack/base/inc/sidebar_contents.blade.php file;
  • upgraded to AdminLTE 2.4.x, and all its dependencies;

Backpack\CRUD 3.4.x

  • CRUD list view (datatables) now looks very good and is easy to use on mobile devices and tablets;
  • added support for 1-to-1 relationship;
  • one-line installation command
  • upgraded dependencies;
  • removed barryvdh/laravel-elfinder requirement, since not every project needs it; the functionality is still there, you're asked upon installation if you also want a media library;
  • the create/update endpoints now return JSON responses in case you want to use them with an API;

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