


Buttons are used inside the ListEdit operation, to allow the admin to trigger other operations. Some point to entirely new routes (create, update, show), others perform the operation on the current page using AJAX (delete).

Button Stacks

The ShowList operation has 3 places where buttons can be placed:

  • top (where the Add button is)
  • line (where the Edit and Delete buttons are)
  • bottom (after the table)

When adding a button to the stack, you can choose whether to insert it at the beginning or end of the stack by specifying that as a last parameter.

Default Buttons

Backpack adds a few buttons by default:

  • add to the top stack;
  • edit and delete to the line stack;

Default buttons are invisible if an operation has been disabled. For example, you can:

  • hide the "delete" button using $this->crud->denyAccess('delete');
  • show a "preview" button by using $this->crud->allowAccess('show');

Buttons API

Here are a few things you can call in your EntityCrudController's setup() method, to manipulate buttons:

// possible positions: 'beginning' and 'end'; defaults to 'beginning' for the 'line' stack, 'end' for the others;

// add a button; possible types are: view, model_function
$this->crud->addButton($stack, $name, $type, $content, $position);

// add a button whose HTML is returned by a method in the CRUD model
$this->crud->addButtonFromModelFunction($stack, $name, $model_function_name, $position);

// add a button whose HTML is in a view placed at resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\buttons
$this->crud->addButtonFromView($stack, $name, $view, $position);

// remove a button

// remove a button for a certain stack (top, line, bottom)
$this->crud->removeButtonFromStack($name, $stack);

Overwriting a Default Button

Before showing any buttons, Backpack will check your resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\buttons directory, to see if you've overwritten any default buttons. If it finds a blade file with the same name there as the default buttons, it will use your blade file, instead of the default.

That means you can overwrite an existing button simply by creating a blade file with the same name inside this directory.

Creating a Custom Button

To create a custom button:

  • create a new blade file in resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\buttons;
  • add that button using the addButton() syntax above, in the EntityCrudControllers you want, inside the setup() method;

In this blade file, you can use:

  • $entry - the database entry you're showing (only inside the line stack);
  • $crud - the entire CrudPanel object;
  • $button - the button you're currently showing;


Adding a Custom Button with a Blade File

Let's say we want to create a simple moderate.blade.php button. This button would just open a user/{id}/moderate/ route, which would point to UserCrudController::moderate(). The steps would be:

  • Create the resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\buttons\moderate.blade.php file:

    @if ($crud->hasAccess('update'))
    <a href="{{ Request::url().'/'.$entry->getKey() }}/moderate" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><i class="fa fa-ban"></i> Moderate</a>
  • Add the new route, next to UserCrudController's route (most likely inside routes/backpack/custom.php):

    Route::get('user/{id}/moderate', 'UserCrudController@ban');
  • We can now add a moderate() method to our UserCrudController, which would moderate the user, and redirect back.

    public function moderate() 
    // show a form that does something
  • Now we can actually add this button to any of UserCrudController::setup():

    $this->crud->addButtonFromView('line', 'moderate', 'moderate', 'beginning');

Adding a Custom Button without a Blade File

Instead of creating a blade file for your button, you can use a function on your model to output the button's HTML.

In your ArticleCrudController::setup():

// add a button whose HTML is returned by a method in the CRUD model
$this->crud->addButtonFromModelFunction('line', 'open_google', 'openGoogle', 'beginning');

In your Article model:

    public function openGoogle($crud = false)
        return '<a class="btn btn-xs btn-default" target="_blank" href="http://google.com?q='.urlencode($this->text).'" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Just a demo custom button."><i class="fa fa-search"></i> Google it</a>';

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