


Uploading and managing files is a common task in Admin Panels. Starting with Backpack v6, you can fully setup your upload fields in your field definition, using purpose-built classes we call Uploaders. No more need to create mutators, manual validation of input or custom code to handle the files - though you can still do that, if you want.

How it works

When adding an upload field (upload, upload_multiple, image or dropzone) to your operation, tell Backpack that you want to use the appropriate Uploader, by using withFiles():


That's it. Backpack will now handle the upload, storage and deletion of the files for you. By default it will use public disk, and will delete the files when the entry is deleted(*).


  • Make sure you've linked the storage folder to your public folder. You can do that by running php artisan storage:link in your terminal.
  • (*) If you want your files to be deleted when the entry is deleted, please Configure File Deletion

Configuring the Uploaders

The withFiles() method accepts an array of options that you can use to customize the upload.

        'disk' => 'public', // the disk where file will be stored
        'path' => 'uploads', // the path inside the disk where file will be stored

Note: If you've defined disk or prefix on the field, you no longer need to define disk or path within withFiles() - it will pick those up. Make sure you are not defining both.

Configuration options:

  • disk - default: public The disk where the file will be stored. You can use any disk defined in your config/filesystems.php file.
  • path - default: / The path inside the disk where the file will be stored. It maps to prefix in field definition.
  • deleteWhenEntryIsDeleted - default: true (NEED ADDITIONAL CONFIGURATION!! See: Configure File Deletion) The files will be deleted when the entry is deleted. Please take into consideration that soft deleted models don't delete the files.
  • temporaryUrl - default: false Some cloud disks like s3 support the usage of temporary urls for display. Set this option to true if you want to use them.
  • temporaryUrlExpirationTime - default: 1 When temporaryUrl is set to true, this configures the amount of time in minutes the temporary url will be valid for.
  • uploader - default: null This allows you to overwrite or set the uploader class for this field. You can use any class that implements UploaderInterface.
  • fileNamer - default: null It accepts a FileNameGeneratorInterface instance or a closure. As the name implies, this will be used to generate the file name. Read more about in the Naming uploaded files section.

Handling uploads in relationship fields

IMPORTANT: Please make sure you are NOT casting the uploaders attributes in your model. If you need a casted attribute to work with the values somewhere else, please create a different attribute that copies the uploader attribute value and manually cast it how you need it.

Some relationships require additional configuration to properly work with the Uploaders, here are some examples:

  • BelongsToMany

In this relationships, you should add the upload fields to the withPivot() method and create a Pivot model where Uploaders register their events. Laravel Docs - Pivot Models

Take for example an Article model has a BelongsToMany relationship defined with Categories model:

// Article model
public function categories() {

To use an Uploader in this relation, you should create the ArticleCategory pivot model, and tell Laravel to use it.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot;

class ArticleCategory extends Pivot


// and in your article/category models, update the relationship to:
public function categories() {
    $this->belongsToMany(Category::class)->withPivot('picture')->using(ArticleCategory::class); //assuming picture is the pivot field where you store the uploaded file path.
  • MorphToMany

Everything like the previous belongsToMany, but the pivot model needs to extend MorphPivot.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphPivot;

class ArticleCategory extends MorphPivot


//in your model
public function categories() {
    $this->morphToMany(Category::class)->withPivot('picture')->using(ArticleCategory::class); //assuming picture is the pivot field where you store the uploaded file path.

Naming files when using Uploaders

Backpack provides a naming strategy for uploaded files that works well for most scenarios:

  • For upload, upload_multiple and dropzone fields, the file name will be the original file name slugged and with a random 4 character string appended to it, to avoid name collisions. Eg: my file.pdf becomes my-file-aY5x.pdf.
  • For image it will generate a unique name for the file, and will keep the original extension. Eg: my file.jpg becomes 5f4a5b6c7d8e9f0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c.jpg.

You can customize the naming strategy by creating a class that implements FileNameGeneratorInterface and pass it to the upload configuration (the default used by Backpack).

        'fileNamer' => \Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\Uploaders\Support\FileNameGenerator::class,

// alternativelly you can pass a closure:
    'fileNamer' => function($file, $uploader) { return 'the_file_name.png'; },

Subfields in Uploaders

You can also use uploaders in subfields. The configuration is the same as for regular fields, just use the same withFiles key and pass it true if no further configuration is required.

// subfields array
        'name' => 'avatar',
        'type' => 'upload',
        'withFiles' => true
        'name' => 'attachments',
        'type' => 'upload_multiple',
        'withFiles' => [
            'path' => 'attachments',

Configure uploaded files to be automatically deteled

To automatically delete the uploaded files when the entry is deleted in the admin panel, we need to setup the upload fields in the DeleteOperation too:

protected function setupDeleteOperation()

    // Alternatively, if you are not doing much more than defining fields in your create operation:
    // $this->setupCreateOperation();

Alternatively, you can manually delete the file in your Model, using the deleted Eloquent model event. That would ensure the file gets deleted even if the entry was deleted from outside the admin panel.

class SomeModel extends Model
    protected static function booted()
        static::deleted(function ($model) {
            // delete the file

Configuring uploaders in custom fields

When using uploads in custom fields, you need to tell Backpack what Uploader to use for that custom field type.

Imagine that you created a custom upload field starting from backpack upload field type with: php artisan backpack:field custom_upload --from=upload.

You can tell Backpack what Uploader to use in 2 ways:

  • In the custom field defininiton inside the uploader configuration:
    'uploader' => \Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\Uploaders\SingleFile::class,
  • Or you can add it globally for that field type by adding in your Service Provider boot() method:
    app('UploadersRepository')->addUploaderClasses(['custom_upload' => \Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\Uploaders\SingleFile::class], 'withFiles');

Uploaders for Spatie MediaLibrary

The 3rd party package spatie/laravel-medialibrary gives you the power to easily associate files with Eloquent models. The package is incredibly popular, time-tested and well maintained.

To have Backpack upload and retrieve files using this package, we've created special Uploaders. Then it will be as easy as doing CRUD::field('avatar')->type('image')->withMedia();. For more information and installation instructions please see the docs on Github for backpack/medialibrary-uploaders.

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