Progress Report - November 2023

We've been hard at work this month, fixing and polishing - our software, our processes and our services offering. Here's what's new, fr...

Cristian Tabacitu
Cristian Tabacitu

We've been hard at work this month, fixing and polishing - our software, our processes and our services offering. Here's what's new, from a few small new features to new services πŸ‘‡


  • CRUD - 3 bug fixes
  • DevTools - 5 bug fixes
  • a few small fixes to our other packages

New Features

Antonio and Pedro are working right now on launching 2 small new features in CRUD, that will allow you (the developer) to quickly do something you often need to do. By the time you read this, Backpack v6.4 will be launched, so a composer update will get you:

Even faster way to add links to columns - linkToShow()

Last month we launched linkTo(), which allows you to add links to any route you want. But! What link do you need to add to columns, most of the time? A link to the Show operation! So we've made that even easier!

// you can now do 

// instead of last months' way

// and instead of the old-school way of defining the wrapper href manually
    'href' => function ($crud, $column, $entry, $related_key) {
          return route('', $related_key);

It'll do the exact same thing, but now you don't have to remember or think about the route name at all (if you've used the regular naming conventions). Isn't that great?

Another access method - denyAllAccess()

Backpack comes with its own way to allow/deny access to operations. And starting today, it's also got a way to deny access to all operations. Just use CRUD::denyAllAccess() in your CrudController and the logged in users will not be able to access any of the operations that controller provides. Easy-peasy!

New Services

In case you didn't know, our team is also available for direct help on your projects. In fact, we have an almost 10x larger team to work on client projects, than we have working on Backpack itself. More info here.

We've been honing our offering and processes over the years. Some services kept coming up, client after client, so we've gotten increasingly good at them. Right now, we're so absolutely confident on them, that we're able to productize them. Here's what services you'll soon be able to purchase on our website.

We're working on a landing page and legal particularities for them, so you can read more and click "buy", but if you need any of them right now... shoot us an email, happy to send an invoice the old-fashioned manual way and start right away.

Premium Support - €300

  • 10h of priority support for 12 months
  • 24h reponse time guaranteed
  • priority bug fixes
  • answers by senior Backpack core team members

Consulting & Tutoring Sessions - €700

  • 10h of consulting and tutoring by senior Backpack team members, on your particular problems;
  • audio/video calls, emails, research, planning;
  • access to the expertise of the foremost Backpack & Laravel experts;

Application Design & Plan - €1.500 (🌟most popular)

  • turn your idea into a beautiful application design in Figma + tech specs + development estimate;
  • everything you need to clearly present your app to your stateholders, prospective clients and other web development companies, as a PDF or clickable web view;
  • clear numbers to finalize your business plan - clarify WHAT you build, HOW LONG it will take and HOW MUCH it will cost;
  • choose your size:
    • Small App - €1500 - design for 5 most important pages + specs + dev estimate;
    • Medium App - €2900 - design for 10 most important pages + specs + dev estimate;
    • Large App - €4900 - design for 20 most important pages + specs + dev estimate;

Small Development Team - €9.600

  • our smallest team, including leading and certified experts in Laravel, Backpack and PHP, dedicated to coding your project for an entire month: - 1 full-stack web developer (full-time) - 1 senior software architect (as needeed) - 1 UI/UX designer (as needed) - 1 tester (as needed) - 1 project manager (as needed)
  • can only be purchased after you have clear design, specs and dev estimate;
  • reserve your spot with an advance of only €500 (fully refundable);

Tailored Development Teams - €12.000+

  • we hire, train and retain experts in full-stack web development, front-end dev, back-end dev, software architecture, UI/UX design, testing, project management;
  • we can create a team tailored to your needs or join your existing team;
  • long-term focused - our long-term clients have been with us for 10+ years;

That's it from us. In December we plan to take this even further... launch a few more features we think you'll love... and make some more optimizations in the way we work. Stay tuned!

Thanks for using Backpack. We love doing this for you. Cheers!

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Reactions & Comments

What do you think about this?

You have been underemployed for a while or you are working on more time-consuming features. Your articles and features of the last few weeks are more disappointing than interesting. Open source libraries are catching up. There are more basic needs to be met that require more effort from you. We appreciate your effort
A few suggestions that I think are necessary to implement. 1- Wizard form: according to today's ux, the possibility of implementing this type of form is very vital in the update of create cruds. 2- One of the annoying limitations in the create and update form is that you cannot put some fields in separate cards and placed next to the main card, the last thing that can be done is to group the fields in different tabs. It is necessary to be able to group the fields in different cards. 3- By defining relationship fields, you tried to solve our need for relationships in the forms as much as possible, but these fields are good as long as the number of relationships is small, especially when we have an interface table, if the number of these items is so large that If it needs to be paged, these items can only be placed in a separate crud and outside the main crud, which is not suitable in terms of ux. For example, I want to display the list of all the comments of a product on the screen of that product and below its main information, not elsewhere, and if I have a list of orders for it, I will also display them on the same page next to other related lists. Show it in another tab
I would disagree about the wizard form - backpack is for developers, not front end users. As for your other points, I use widgets and there's a widget add on you can find on github - izica/relations-widgets-for-backpack - it's my goto for displaying related columns. And for fields we have the inbuilt subfields
Thanks for the feedback! Dully noted! (1) Wizards are something we've never gotten into, but might do so. I see someone already suggested it in our poll - please vote there too πŸ˜‰ (2) Putting inputs in separate cards. This one is tricky, because it's an added complexity that not all projects need. We'll consider it, if more people ask for it, but in my opinion... if your form has become so complex that it needs separate cards... it probably needs to be a custom form, not a Backpack form. At that point, any framework brings more problems than it solves. (3) We're working on a "live table" to make working with many relationship easier, yes. In the meantime the izica package should work fine! Again, thanks for the feedback. Please vote on our next features here -

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