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Editable Columns

Let you admins make quick edits, right from the table view.

3.0.10 23-Jul-2024

  • fix details row and bulk actions positioning (@pxpm)

3.0.9 26-Mar-2024

  • Return a refreshed instance after saving the entry (@pxpm)

3.0.8 12-Mar-2024

  • Bug Fix - update minorUpdateEntry variable (@promatik)

3.0.7 20-Feb-2024

  • fix validation on editable column (@pxpm)

3.0.6 20-Feb-2024

2.1.7 15-Feb-2024

  • fix release action (@pxpm)
  • add how to add nullable select option to readme (@pxpm)

2.1.8 01-Feb-2024

2.1.6 01-Feb-2024

3.0.5 15-Jan-2024

  • make sure callables are closure instances (@pxpm)

3.0.4 11-Jan-2024

  • ensure the callable is a closure (@pxpm)

3.0.3 04-Dec-2023

  • uniformize the container in all editable inputs (@pxpm)

3.0.2 24-Jul-2023

  • Save bulk action state when editing columns (@pxpm)

3.0.1 10-Jul-2023

  • Add Bootstrap v5 switch compatibility (@phpfour)

3.0.0 01-Jul-2023

2.1.5 27-Jun-2023

  • Fix Github action for generating changelog (@phpfour)

2.1.4 21-Apr-2023

  • [Bug] Actions Dropdown changes back to line buttons after editable switch is toggled (@maurohmartinez)

2.1.3 30-Mar-2023

  • Add notice about search logic (@pxpm)

2.1.2 03-Mar-2023

  • Add path property to AutomaticServiceProvider (@tabacitu)

2.1.1 05-Dec-2022

2.1.0 28-Nov-2022

  • Safari fixes (@maurohmartinez)

  • Fixed the process of loading ViewNamespaces (@promatik)

  • Exclude issues in changelog generation (@phpfour)

  • Added editableColumnsForceTableReload Operation setting (@promatik)

  • Dynamic options for editable select (@promatik)

2.0.10 09-Nov-2022

  • fix view caching bug in service provider (@tabacitu)

2.0.9 15-Sep-2022

  • Replace getFillable with isFillable (@promatik)

2.0.8 13-Sep-2022

  • [Bug] Fix update cells when other detail rows are open (@promatik)

  • [Bug] Details row icon disappears after editing a column (@promatik)

  • Update workflow for Changelog generation (@phpfour)

2.0.7 19-Aug-2022

2.0.6 19-Aug-2022

2.0.5 11-Jul-2022

  • [Fix] Send query strings on minor update request (@promatik)

  • Support onLabel and offLabel as switch field does on CRUD (@promatik)

  • Store fake columns (@promatik)

2.0.4 20-Jun-2022

2.0.3 20-Jun-2022

2.0.2 18-Jun-2022

2.0.1 13-Jun-2022

  • Fixed error colors not being properly displayed (@promatik)

  • fix typos in readme (@tabacitu)

2.0.0 12-Jun-2022

1.0.14 12-Jun-2022

  • Force the current element to be focused after an update (@promatik)

  • fix - view namespace no longer needed (@tabacitu)

  • darker dotted line (@tabacitu)

  • Fix focus after update fix border (@promatik)

  • changed underline with border bottom (@tabacitu)

  • Editable select fix hidden modules (@promatik)

  • [Feature] New editable_select column (@promatik)

1.0.13 21-May-2022

1.0.12 10-May-2022

  • Simplified the saveMinorUpdate override (@promatik)

1.0.11 11-Apr-2022

1.0.10 07-Mar-2022

  • [Feature] Update dependent columns (@promatik)

1.0.9 01-Mar-2022

  • Feature; min-width on text field - 120px by default (@promatik)

1.0.8 21-Feb-2022

  • New Features for editable_text column : save_on_focusout, on_error, on_success (@promatik)
  • Avoid event propagation (@promatik)

1.0.7 10-Jan-2022

  • Fix for modal fields not being updated after crud table update (@promatik)

1.0.6 09-Jan-2022

1.0.5 01-Dec-2021

1.0.4 30-Nov-2021

  • Default saveMinorUpdate function (@promatik)

1.0.3 30-Nov-2021

  • Underlined and Select on click attributes (@promatik)
  • Added Tab, Arrow Down and Arrow Up functionalities (@promatik)

1.0.2 01-Nov-2021

1.0.1 01-Nov-2021

1.0.0 01-Nov-2021

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  • all updates (major, minor and patch);
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