New FREE Add-on - Activity Log

As we build features for ourselves and our clients, we try to release them to you too. Either as features in our existing products, or...

Cristian Tabacitu
Cristian Tabacitu

As we build features for ourselves and our clients, we try to release them to you too. Either as features in our existing products, or as completely new products. This new add-on by Antonio Almeida is something he's needed in a client project, and something we need now on our own admin panel, on As soon as you add a non-developer admin, you might need it too. When you do... we already have a good solution for you 😉 Here's the gist of it 👇

We've always had a superadmin to our website (yours truly). But now we're also adding an admin 😱 Someone who will be able to manage licenses, tokens, invoices, payments, orders etc. When that happens, when you're giving so much access and power to someone... as a business owner... you get a little bit scared 😀 You want there to be a clear papertrail of everything someone did, so that you know what that person has done, all the time. You want a history of changes in the database. And you want to stay on track of changes, so that nothing too wrong can happen with the entries in your production database.

Fortunately, our friends at Spatie had already built spatie/laravel-activitylog - it's an excellent package that can (among others) track every change your Eloquent models suffer. Through those logs, a superadmin can see what an admin has been doing. What the Spatie package doesn't have... is a web interface, for the superadmin to easily see that.

That's where we come in. Antonio has built a package that:

  • makes it dead-simple to see the logs created by spatie/laravel-activitylog;
  • provides clear instructions on how to use that package + Backpack together;

We call it backpack/activity-log and it's something you should take a look at, as soon as you have this need: Backpack Activity Log

It's a first-party package that will soon be used live on our website, so you know you can trust it! We highly recommend you take a look at it, if you have non-developer admins.

What add-on is next? You tell us! If there are more things you've found you need in every admin panel you build - let us know in the comments below - we might build add-ons for it.


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