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Item Quantity Price
Everything + Premium Support Use all premium Backpack add-ons in production, in any number of projects. For ever access to all tools and addons we have right now, plus everything we launch in the next 12 months. This includes new Backpack versions, new addons and tools and all updates for them (patch, minor, major) for 12 months. After those 12 months, you still have access to the versions you paid, just no more updates. Additionally, get access to our Discord and a private email address to ask core team members anything. We'll help you with your Backpack projects, give you advice, and help you debug your code. 24h response time guaranteed during workdays. Reasonable limits apply: no more than 10h total expert support per year.
€ 999
Subtotal: 999 EUR
Discount: - 0 EUR
Tax (19% VAT): + 189.81 EUR
TOTAL (including VAT): 1188.81 EUR