New Addon: Edit Laravel Translations from Your Admin Panel.

Are you working on a multilingual app? If so, you must be tired of translating your Laravel application. Going through language files i...

Karan Datwani
Karan Datwani

Are you working on a multilingual app? If so, you must be tired of translating your Laravel application. Going through language files is tedious, and something you as a developer... probably shouldn't do at all. Updating strings is time-consuming, especially when you may don't know the exact translation.

If you want to avoid the back-and-forth between the admin and developer, to fix translations... we've got great news for you.

Introducing: Translation Manager (Free Package)


This package offers a user-friendly interface for managing translations from your Backpack Admin Panel. So, you focus more on application development and give the translation control to the admin.

Say goodbye to admin-dev ping-pong! Install Translation Manager and help your admins translate everything themselves.

Key Features:

Some of the most notable features of Translation Manager are:

  • List Translations: View all translations present in your application's language files, including vendor translations, in one centralized location.
  • Edit Translations: Edit translations directly from the interface, making it quick and easy to update language strings.
  • Search and Filter: Search and filter all translations from one place, saving you time and frustration.

How to use it?

Ready to give Translation Manager a spin? Follow these simple steps to integrate it into your Laravel + Backpack project:

  1. Installation: Install the package via Composer using the following command:

    composer require backpack/translation-manager
  2. Configuration: Configure the application by replacing Laravel's translation service provider in your config/app.php file and running the necessary migrations.

  • Publish & run migration:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\TranslationLoader\TranslationServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
  1. Add to Menu: Add a menu item for easy access navigation.
php artisan backpack:add-menu-content "<x-backpack::menu-item title=\"Translation Manager\" icon=\"la la-stream\" :link=\"backpack_url('translation-manager')\" />"

NOTE: You can also use this package alongside the Language Switcher package, to let the admin change the admin panel language.


Once installed, visit your app's URL localhost/admin/translation-manager and enjoy:

  • List View: Easily navigate through all translations within your application, with options to filter and search for specific entries. image
  • Edit View: Make edits to translations directly from the interface, with changes automatically saved to the database for persistence. image
  • Editable Columns: If you have the Editable Columns package installed, enjoy the convenience of directly editing translations within the List View, enhancing your user experience. image


Say goodbye to the hassle of managing language files manually. Try Translation Manager, offering a user-friendly interface for managing translations from your Backpack Admin Panel.

So, you focus more on application development and give the translation control to the admin. Use it, experience the difference, and take your Laravel application to the next level!

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