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PRO for unlimited projects

This package adds 5 more operations, 10 filters, 28 more fields, 6 more columns and 1 more widget to your admin panel toolbelt. We believe it's everything you need to build admin panels of any complexity.

2.2.21 14-Oct-2024

  • add backpack error header to exceptions (@pxpm)
  • Select2 from array sortable (@pxpm)

2.2.20 04-Oct-2024

  • redirect after clone (@pxpm)
  • Add debounce to filters (@pxpm)

2.2.19 03-Oct-2024

  • fix custom view dropdown (@pxpm)

2.2.18 02-Oct-2024

  • return early if custom view method is null (@pxpm)

2.2.17 16-Sep-2024

  • Phone field fixes - add all input assets, fix default country selection (@pxpm)

2.2.16 10-Sep-2024

  • Update phone field library from 17.0.19 to 24.4.0 (@jcastroa87)

2.2.15 06-Sep-2024

  • add css rules to repeatable control buttons (@pxpm)

2.2.14 16-Aug-2024

  • add span to buttons (@pxpm)

2.2.13 07-Aug-2024

  • fix crud.field() api callbacks (@pxpm)

2.2.12 06-Aug-2024

  • add closeOnSelect option to select2 (@pxpm)

2.2.11 29-Jul-2024

  • add hasManyThrough to relationship column (@pxpm)

2.2.10 24-Jul-2024

  • pass the subfield entry values to the subfields views (@pxpm)

2.2.9 23-Jul-2024

  • fix date filters click behavior (@pxpm)
  • allow developer to init row on single editable relationships (@pxpm)

2.2.8 17-Jul-2024

  • fix new marker api behavior (@pxpm)

2.2.7 16-Jul-2024

  • update google map script loading (@pxpm)

2.2.6 15-Jul-2024

  • add hasOneThrough relationship map to select column (@pxpm)

2.2.5 15-Jul-2024

  • add default format as text to tinymce (@pxpm)

2.2.4 12-Jun-2024

  • Fix pivot selector states script (@pxpm)

2.2.3 28-May-2024

  • fix phone field hidden input name in repeatable (@pxpm)

2.2.2 24-May-2024

  • Allow init function to be overriden, add compatible BC array key (@pxpm)

2.2.1 24-May-2024

  • add elfinder back to ckeditor (@pxpm)

2.2.0 30-Apr-2024

  • [FEATURE] Select2 JSON from API (@promatik)

2.1.13 16-Apr-2024

  • add char and varchar as text columns in FetchOperation (@pxpm)

2.1.12 04-Apr-2024

  • fix select2 multiple disable and enable events (@pxpm)
  • Check if there is a content_css in options (@jcastroa87)

2.1.11 19-Mar-2024

  • fix date range inconsistencies between field and filter (@pxpm)

2.1.10 11-Mar-2024

  • [Feature] add ability to pass chart instance (@pxpm)

2.1.9 07-Mar-2024

  • make swal buttons consistent (@pxpm)

2.1.8 27-Feb-2024

2.1.7 21-Feb-2024

  • Fix custom view issues (@pxpm)

2.1.6 20-Feb-2024

  • fix custom view route identification (@pxpm)

2.1.5 16-Feb-2024

  • Dont prepend the bucket in image field (@pxpm)

2.1.4 16-Feb-2024

  • morphto to use select column (@pxpm)

2.1.3 13-Feb-2024

  • fix image field to work with s3 adapters (@pxpm)

  • fix image field to work with s3 adapters - changes (@promatik)

2.1.2 02-Feb-2024

  • fixes date range fields inside repeatable (@pxpm)
  • [BugFix] Handle edge cases on Custom Views (@promatik)

2.1.1 01-Feb-2024

2.1.0 28-Jan-2024

  • Update releases.yml (@pxpm)
  • Update releases.yml (@pxpm)
  • Update releases.yml (@pxpm)
  • Update releases.yml (@pxpm)
  • Update releases.yml (@pxpm)
  • [FEATURE] Custom Lists (@promatik)

2.0.23 17-Jan-2024

  • [BUGFIX] Fix icons dependency of EasyMDE field (@promatik)

2.0.22 17-Jan-2024

  • add slug library to slug field (@pxpm)

2.0.21 10-Jan-2024

  • Fix uploaders in relationships (@pxpm)

2.0.20 06-Dec-2023

  • Easymde loads content only on focus when the Edit Operations fields use tabs. (@karandatwani92)

  • pass uploader configurations in dropzone operation (@pxpm)

2.0.19 05-Dec-2023

  • catch file handling exceptions in dropzone (@pxpm)
  • Remove foreced readonly from dakepicker (@pxpm)

2.0.18 23-Oct-2023

  • manually load font-awesome (@pxpm)

2.0.17 19-Oct-2023

  • add escapeSelector for repeatable selectors (@pxpm)

2.0.16 16-Oct-2023

  • add closure-based access to item operations (@tabacitu)

2.0.15 09-Oct-2023

  • fix datepicker locales (@pxpm)

2.0.14 03-Oct-2023

  • Added missing image dependencies on browse field (@promatik)
  • fix dropzone js validation (@pxpm)

2.0.13 25-Sep-2023

  • fix ajax uploader file deletion (@pxpm)

2.0.12 19-Sep-2023

  • Relationship column type - display attributes for related models (@karandatwani92)
  • Trash filter clear don't re-add the actions column (@pxpm)

2.0.11 11-Aug-2023

2.0.10 28-Jul-2023

  • fix relationship select inside repeatable (@pxpm)

  • its not a fast iframe (@pxpm)

2.0.9 20-Jul-2023

  • TinyMCE require tar.gz distribution script instead of zip (@pxpm)
  • Optimize select option (@pxpm)

2.0.8 18-Jul-2023

  • Fix temporary folder replacement in Dropzone. Fix generated file label (@pxpm)

  • review of tinymce dark mode pr (@pxpm)

  • Fix dark mode issues (@jcastroa87)

2.0.7 13-Jul-2023

  • fix stringify values in dropzone (@pxpm)

  • Fix undefined variable in other themes (@jcastroa87)

  • Increment iconpicker popover z-index (@pxpm)

  • Add Missing Translation Key (@EGYWEB-Mohamed)

  • Add dark support and listener for change (@jcastroa87)

2.0.6 10-Jul-2023

2.0.5 05-Jul-2023

  • bump crud version (@pxpm)
  • fix for fake fields (@pxpm)

2.0.4 03-Jul-2023

  • fix date picker keys (@pxpm)

2.0.3 01-Jul-2023

2.0.2 01-Jul-2023

2.0.1 01-Jul-2023

2.0.0 01-Jul-2023

  • fix chart headings (@tabacitu)

  • fix icon-picker (@pxpm)

  • Add dark support to dropzone (@jcastroa87)

  • [v6] Last styling pass through tabler theme (@maurohmartinez)

  • fix js check in dropzone (@pxpm)

  • remove color picker (@pxpm)

  • Fix repeatable container buttons (@pxpm)

  • Fix Github action for generating changelog (@phpfour)

  • Fix dropzone validation, change dropzone return when empty. (@pxpm)

  • Remove algolia field (@pxpm)

  • Dropzone js events (@jcastroa87)

  • [v6] Use a delimited string to reference two model attributes in the same field (@pxpm)

  • Fix big files thumbnails and fix ratio for large thumbnails (@jcastroa87)

  • Fix delete operation, add JS API events, add disable and enable funct… (@jcastroa87)

  • [V6] Fix modals (@maurohmartinez)

  • [v6][WIP] Add support for date_picker dark mode (@maurohmartinez)

  • [WIP] dropzone validation (@pxpm)

  • Added support for Basset::addViewPath (@promatik)

  • Fix old reference to Digitally Happy Assets (@promatik)

  • dropzone repeatable support and uploaders (@pxpm)

  • Allow CKEditor custom builds (@promatik)

  • CKEditor and TinyMCE using bassets (@promatik)

  • add css to dropzone to make it a little prettier (@tabacitu)

  • Remove color_picker field (@promatik)

  • Adding bassets to the remaining fields (@promatik)

  • [v6] Upgrade PRO to Bootstrap v5 (aka CoreUI v4 theme / Tabler theme) (@tabacitu)

  • [v6] use basset block directive in all PRO fields where possible (@tabacitu)

  • Dropzone field (@jcastroa87)

  • v6 (@tabacitu)

  • [6.x] Bassets (@promatik)

  • WIP: Add repeatable column (@pxpm)

  • Adds columns for all PRO fields types (@munjaldevelopment)

1.6.6 07-Jun-2023

  • fix date options key (@pxpm)

1.6.5 05-Jun-2023

1.6.4 03-Apr-2023

  • fix pagination on ajax filter (@pxpm)

  • WIP image should send back the db value instead of the display url (@pxpm)

1.6.3 11-Mar-2023

  • fix phone field populating prefix with US when not doing geoIP lookup (@tabacitu)

1.6.2 03-Mar-2023

  • add path property to AutomaticServiceProvider (@tabacitu)

1.6.1 28-Feb-2023

  • fix phone field using geoIP when editing (@tabacitu)

1.6.0 31-Jan-2023

1.5.0 27-Dec-2022

  • Fix address_google field loading of google api script (@pxpm)
  • add google_map field type (@pxpm)

1.4.2 20-Dec-2022

  • add options per color field (@pxpm)

1.4.1 13-Dec-2022

1.4.0 30-Nov-2022

1.3.2 28-Nov-2022

  • Fix the usage of JS API inside InlineCreate (@pxpm)

  • Updated service provider (@promatik)

  • Exclude issues in changelog generation (@phpfour)

  • Focus on filter inputs when filter open (@pxpm)

1.3.1 27-Oct-2022

  • [hot fix]Fix morph fields when using all of the same type. (@pxpm)

  • fix the function name (@pxpm)

  • add table show/hide properties to elements (@pxpm)

1.3.0 14-Oct-2022

1.2.8 08-Sep-2022

  • Update workflow for Changelog generation (@phpfour)

1.2.7 31-Aug-2022

1.2.6 31-Aug-2022

  • Allow repeatable to use Laravel Collections too (@pxpm)

  • use the same fetch convention whe (@pxpm)

  • use ViewNamespaces class to load views (@pxpm)

1.2.5 19-Aug-2022

1.2.4 19-Aug-2022

1.2.3 19-Aug-2022

  • move scripts stack higher in file hierarchy for InlineCreate (@pxpm)

  • Create releases.yml (@tabacitu)

1.2.2 15-Aug-2022

  • [Feature] Repeatable field focuses on first focusable input (@maurohmartinez)

  • Fix for repeatable field when using with a fake translatable (@promatik)

  • CrudFields - Subfields callbacks on the fly (@promatik)

  • Replace HTML comments with Blade comments (@promatik)

  • FetchOperation to use simplePaginate to avoid counting query (@pxpm)

1.2.1 23-Jul-2022

  • fix pivot select option disable (@pxpm)

1.2.0 19-Jul-2022

  • fix inline create not applying operation callback configuration (@pxpm)

  • don't mess with configs, use viewNamespaces as a crud setting (@pxpm)

1.1.4 14-Jul-2022

  • add placeholder to select2 fields (@pxpm)

  • Fix repeatable fields on InlineCreate modals (@pxpm)

  • add check for input presence before applying change event (@pxpm)

  • Select2 Grouped and Nested clear and placeholder (@promatik)

  • JS Fields - Allow multiple subfield callbacks (@promatik)

1.1.3 29-Jun-2022

1.1.2 17-Jun-2022

  • fix the input event on repeatable (@pxpm)

  • select_and_order wrap the value as string (@pxpm)

  • Inline create independant translations (@pxpm)

1.1.1 10-Jun-2022

  • add input identifier to repeatable container (@pxpm)

1.1.0 10-Jun-2022

  • Properly parse container name (@pxpm)

  • Select and order fixes (@pxpm)

  • Rename js events (@pxpm)

  • small fixes for js api (@pxpm)

  • subfields should trigger change dynamically too (@pxpm)

  • Add slug field to PRO (@tabacitu)

  • Refactor repeatable selectors (@pxpm)

  • add support for repeatable field (@pxpm)

  • fix for date_range fileld to work with js api (@pxpm)

  • Support subfields in js api (@pxpm)

  • Multiple fixes for js api (@pxpm)

  • fix images events (@pxpm)

  • add support for browse and browse multiple in js api (@pxpm)

  • refator backpack field event names (@pxpm)

  • fix tinymce change event duplication (@pxpm)

  • Images fields fixes (@pxpm)

  • fix icon picker to work with js api (@pxpm)

  • Enable disable rich editors (@pxpm)

  • crud.fields() JS API for PRO fields (@tabacitu)

  • make wysiwyg editors and color picker work (@pxpm)

1.0.19 02-Jun-2022

  • use blade directives for asset loading, fix parent loaded assets key (@pxpm)

  • Revert "Merge pull request from DigitallyHappy/remove-width-inline… (@pxpm)

1.0.18 24-May-2022

  • add multiple brakets in multiple inputs (@pxpm)
  • always ensure locale is set on datepicker fields (@pxpm)

1.0.17 17-May-2022

  • add configurable search operator to fetch like we did for list (@pxpm)

1.0.16 10-May-2022

  • ignore inputs without name when generating the repeatable name (@pxpm)

  • Inline create fixes - backdrop & form fields (@pxpm)

1.0.15 04-May-2022

  • Swap rows without remove (@pxpm)

1.0.14 26-Apr-2022

  • use jquery wrapper when attaching the element in page (@pxpm)

  • Add ability to send the element and the row that triggered ajax request (@pxpm)

  • configurable inline create add button (@pxpm)

  • fix fetch_or_create container - merge before tag new version (@pxpm)

  • fix pivot disable previsously selected (@pxpm)

  • date_range work as subfield (@pxpm)

1.0.13 13-Apr-2022

  • Tinymce initialization (@pxpm)
  • make sure the defaults are only applied when this operation is requested (@pxpm)

1.0.12 01-Apr-2022

1.0.11 01-Apr-2022

  • add cropend event to image fields (@pxpm)

  • add showAsterisk for subfields that are required (@pxpm)

  • Delete select_grouped.blade.php (@tabacitu)

1.0.10 01-Mar-2022

  • fix repeatable hidden container field names (@pxpm)

  • Select2 fields - remove inline width 100%, since it's now fixed by a general CSS rule (@pxpm)

1.0.9 15-Feb-2022

1.0.8 14-Feb-2022

1.0.7 10-Feb-2022

  • make ajax selects work with translatable attributes (@pxpm)

1.0.6 09-Feb-2022

  • change github token for changelog-from-release action (@tabacitu)

1.0.5 09-Feb-2022

1.0.4 09-Feb-2022

  • add view helper to tabbed fields in inline create modals. (@pxpm)

1.0.3 04-Feb-2022

1.0.2 03-Feb-2022

1.0.1 03-Feb-2022

1.0.0 24-Jan-2022

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