
3. Advanced Features

Duration: 5 min

Here are some other cool things Backpack makes easy for you. We recommend going through them one by one, just browsing. You might not need the feature right now, but when you do, you'll know how to find it.

Other Operations

  • Show Operation - you can let your admins preview an entry
  • Reorder Operation - you can reorder and nesting entries (hierarchy tree)
  • Revisions Operation - you can keep a record of all modifications to an entry, and let your admin revert changes

Other Features


  • ListEntries
    • you can add a "+" button next to each entry, to allow the admin to easily preview some quick information that was too big to fit inside a columns - we call it details row
    • export all visible items in the table by adding export buttons
    • custom search logic for the columns in the list view

Additionally, here are a few more ways you can customize your CRUDs:

That's it for today! Told you we're done with long lessons :-) Hopefully some of the above have peaked your interest and you've clicked to see what Backpack can do. In the next lesson we'll go through a few other Backpack packages that cover some recurring use cases.

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